THIRTEEN: Beach House Fun

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The Next Morning

I woke up without the girls this morning. It's weird, I'm used to waking up either them asleep on me or waking me up as it is. I sighed and grabbed my phone from the bedside table in my room, I turned it on to see I had a message from my granddad to have a fun weekend and sent me a photo of the girls hugging one another.

 I sighed and grabbed my phone from the bedside table in my room, I turned it on to see I had a message from my granddad to have a fun weekend and sent me a photo of the girls hugging one another

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I smiled at the picture and sent him a thank you message. I quickly changed into a pair of board shorts and a shirt before walking out of the room, just in time to see Gabriella walk out of hers, I checked the time to see it was 8am.

I smiled at Gabriella before we walked downstairs together, we seemed to be the only two up from what we could tell and Gabriella seemed deep in thought, almost like today was weighing her down.


Well today's the day, the day I've been dreading ever since last year. Today's the day I lost my mom and sister.

"Is everything okay?" Xavier asked me "uh, yeah" I said giving him a fake smile, which being Xavier instantly saw past it, "come on Gabriella, you've been there for me through everything, I'm sure you'd know that I can see past everything you do now, so what's the matter?" Xavier asked pushing me a little, I sighed, he was right.

"Come with me" I said and walked outside with Xavier behind me, I walked over to the water but turned around to a rock and placed my hand on the words Alec, Blaze, dad and myself all carved the weekend we came here after the incidents.

I stepped back over to Xavier and let him read what we had carved, I turned to look at the ocean. "Four years ago we lost our little sister Samantha in a pool incident. She was 6 at the time, we were all dancing around the pool and Sammy ended up getting close to the edge of the pool and fell in, we noticed when we heard a splash but by the time dad had pulled her out she was gone, she had hit her head on the floor of the pool and her head was bleeding, we got emergency services there fast as but she was gone" I said feeling my voice crack as I looked at the sky.

"Then two years ago we lost our mom to cancer. We were all close to mom in our own way. Mom and I loved to cook, dad of course was her husband, she always made a chance to go to all of Blaze and Alec's sporting games. When Sammy died we all drove up here and chose this rock to put her name on, then when mom left us we drove up again and added her name to the rock" I said feeling tears fall down my face and my voice cracking at the end.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm sorry you lost them both, it seems like they we're both great people and I'm sorry they left you, and don't take this the wrong way but you, your brothers and your dad are stronger together than ever, you all have grown closer since the incident" I heard Xavier say as he walked over to me, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me close to him as we watched the waves crash onto the beach.

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