TWENTY NINE: Day Three of Fun Week

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* Gabriella *

It's been about a month since the whole Ryder incident happened, Rocket was back to herself in no time and her and Xavier were in school.

We're in our last week of school, we had our finals match last week and well we kind of defeated the opposite team.

It's Wednesday today, so we're three days into the fun week at school, Monday was spent at Six Flags going on all the rides and hanging with all our friends, Tuesday was spent at Universal Studios in Hollywood going on the rides and eating whatever we wanted, today we have no clue what we're doing we were just told to be at the school by 8:15 in the morning. 

Rolling over I noticed Xavier's side of the bed was empty, the warmth was only just there still, I grabbed his pillow cuddling up to it when the door to the bedroom opened to reveal Xavier standing there with a smirk on his face. "You know you could just come find me for a proper hug" Xavier said "but that would imply I'd have to get out of bed" I said "that you would, but next weekend you can sleep in all you want" Xavier said making me smile at that thought, I rolled out of bed making him laugh before standing up. 

"Get ready for school, I'll start on breakfast" Xavier said giving me a quick kiss before walking out of our room closing the door behind him. I walked into our wardrobe changing into my black ripped jeans, red and white striped spaghetti strap crop top and my black leather jacket, I pulled my black socks on before walking out of the room and walking down the stairs to see Rocket and Willow sitting at the kitchen table with colouring in books in front of them, both wearing black shirts under a jacket and a pair of black shorts with Converse on their feet.

Xavier was standing at the stove wearing a pair of black jeans that hung loosely on his hips showing the band of his briefs and a red shirt hanging out of his back jean pocket, his feet covered in black socks. "I'm pretty sure your supposed to put the shirt on instead of in your pocket" I said wrapping my arms around him from behind making him chuckle, "you know you'd rather me walk around the house like this" Xavier said before he plated up breakfast.

I helped the girls pack their colouring books away before we all had breakfast. After breakfast Xavier and I put our shoes on, Xavier adding his shirt to his outfit grabbing his leather jacket before we all walked out of the house and over to the car.

"Alright girls, your lunch's are in your bags, I'll see you both after school. Love you" Xavier said giving both girls a hug and kissed their heads before I said my goodbyes and we got back into the car driving towards the high school.

Once we got to school, I went to open my door when I noticed it already was showing a smiling Xavier standing in front of me holding his hand out to me, taking it I got out of the car as Xavier took my hand in his, both of us keeping our sunglasses on we walked through the crowded parking lot and over to the entrance to the school.

Xavier let go of my hand briefly to open the door to let us both in before coming back to my side and wrapping his arm around my shoulder bringing me into his side kissing the side of my forehead as we walked through the corridor.

"All Seniors to the GYM please" a voice came through the intercom as we reached my locker. Not needing our lockers Xavier grabbed my hand and ran towards the GYM. The second we got to the GYM we walked over to our friends and Alec. The second we stopped in front of one another Alec and I launched at each other, I may have seen him yesterday but it definitely isn't the same, after pulling away Xavier's arms found its way around my waist pulling me against his chest resting his chin on my head as we caught up with everyone and trying to guess what we'd be doing today.

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