TWO: First Day of School - Part ONE

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5 hours later

"Xavier wake up" I heard my mom yell for me, I opened my eyes and looked around to see I was in a large room, confused I got up off the floor and stretched my sore back, I walked into my wardrobe and grabbed a black shirt along with my black jeans and walked into my bathroom.

After taking a quick shower I dressed and put my socks and shoes on before I ran upstairs and into the kitchen where I saw my sisters eating their cereal mom had packed and mom herself was having toast. I walked over to the cereal and poured myself a bowl before joining the girls.

"After you guys have eaten, get your things because your going to school today, I've got to enrol you all so girls you'll be first then you Xavier" mom announced before standing up. "You've got 15 minutes to be ready" my mom said to us, we quickly finished our breakfasts and I helped the girls change into the clothes they had set for today before running downstairs to brush my teeth and get my bag along with my phone, wallet and keys.

I ran my hand through my hair as I walked up the stairs closing my room in the process and through the kitchen to the front door. "Okay Xavier you're to follow me to the girls school in your car and once were done you'll follow me to yours got it" my mom said looking at me "yes mom" I said nodding my head making her nod her head sighing before we all walked out of the house mom locking it behind her.

I got into my car and followed my down the street towards the girls school which was a little away from the shops.

Getting out Rocket walked over to me and took her hand in mine and smiled at me making me return the smile.

We walked into the entrance and the front office where mom was instantly seen by the principal. After almost an hour we were saying goodbye to the girls outside their classrooms. "Have fun girls, Xavier will be here to pick you up after school" my mom said giving them both hugs, I gave them hugs next before they walked into their class and mom and I left the school and into our cars.

I followed mom down the street towards the large high school ahead of me, well I'm guessing it's the high school.

I was right when mom pulled into the parking lot, I parked next to her and we got out of the car and headed into the building and down the hallway to the front office.

After another half an hour I was now standing at the entrance with my mom. "Please behave" my mom said to me "I'll try my best mom" I said giving her a small smile, "I love you Xav, here's your house key" mom said handing me a set of keys before giving me a hug, I wrapped my around around her shoulders hugging her close before kissing her head.

"I promise mom, I love you" I said quietly before pulling away, mom gave me a smile before turning and walking out of the building, I sighed and looked at my class list.

Ms Mackenzie. Righto, I quickly ran to my locker which didn't seem to be too hard to locate being in alphabetical order. I opened the padlock with the code I was given and grabbed the books for the classes that were on this morning, I placed them in my bag before locking my locker up and running off towards my class.

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