THIRTY TWO: Two Weeks Later

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* Xavier *

Two Weeks Later

Gabriella still hasn't woken up from her coma, it's been two weeks, fourteen days, 336 hours since I last saw her smiling face. It was Friday today and our second week of holidays is almost up, meaning Monday we're to start our exams. I was hoping to god Gabriella woke up this past week as I want to spend the holidays with her. 

The girls have been around a few times with Blaze or Matt always taking them home, Alec and I haven't exactly left her side, mum is out of prison now and the police are trying to get ahold of me to figure out what I want to do, all I've told them is no one is going back to her.

"Excuse me, there are two people out there claiming they called us and would like to see how the three injured are going, would you like to see them?" Doctor Watkins asked by the doorway, Blaze and the girls have already been in today and Matt is at work trying to get his mind off what's currently happening. I looked at Alec who barely nodded his head, "yeah, send them in" I said for the three of us, after stepping aside a girl and boy our age walked in and doctor Watkins walked out, it was then that I realised it was Maddi and Jason.

"Oh my god you guys are alright," Maddi said flinging herself at Alec and I as Jason gave us a short hug himself, it didn't take long before Maddi's eyes landed on the bed that she noticed Gabriella was laying in the bed not moving, "oh my god is she dead?" Maddi instantly asked tears gathering in her eyes as I noticed Jason move his hand to her back. "She's in a coma," Matt said walking into the room.

"Thank you, both of you for calling the emergency services when you did" Matt said giving Maddi a hug and shaking Jason's hand, "oh yeah before I forget, I got a pic of the dudes car that hit ya" Jason said grabbing his phone from his back pocket, "how'd ya know it was a guy?" I asked "well his window was down and he had a laugh after he hit ya's, seems like he was aiming for ya's," Jason said handing me his phone, looking at the picture I noticed it was taken from the front of the car, the driver was indeed a guy, he looked to have dark hair and possibly our age but I couldn't tell anything else apart from his mouth open from I'm assuming his laugh.

"Blaze?" I heard Matt question me as we looked at the picture "it's not Blaze, it can't be" Alec said whilst Maddi and I both said "no" as we all looked at the picture, "well it's either Blaze or myself, there's no one that looks like me more than him" Matt said "actually there is one person" I said making everyone turn to me "you don't think?" Alec asked me "who is it?" Jason asked confused "my half brother" Alec whispered just as Matt said "my son", Jason was even more confused now, "wait you've got another brother?" Jason asked Alec "Ryder? Why would he do this?" Maddi asked once she worked out who we were talking about.

"My sister found out about him lying to us about his mother kicking him out, he pushed Rocket out of the window and left the same day. I should've known he wouldn't leave without doing something" I said annoyed "so your brother and your son..." Jason started "half brother" Alec interrupted before Jason continued "...have caused your sister and daughter to be laying in a coma for two weeks now?" he finished asking as we all looked at one another before looking at him and nodding our heads.

After another hour Maddi and Jason left, Blaze turned up with the girls before leaving a couple of hours later Matt leaving with him whilst Alec and I stayed.

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