ELEVEN: Moving House

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"How'd you go?" Alec asked me "found a house, hopefully we hear back soon" I said. "So what's going on with you and Gabriella?" Elijah asked me gaining everyone around me's attention, "nothing, why?" I asked him shifting in my seat "doesn't seem like nothing" Elijah said smirking at how he made me feel awkward.

"Mr Daniels would you like to explain to the class what you think is more important than my class?" Mr French asked Elijah, yep you heard right, Denis French. "I'm sure you wouldn't care French" Elijah said "please, entertain me" Mr French asked sitting on his desk crossing his arms raising an eyebrow at Elijah.

"Fine, you give me no choice," Elijah started "sorry man" he added to me instantly making me want to hit him for what he was about to tell everyone, "Xavier thinks you look very handsome today" Elijah said before everyone started laughing, "fuck off" I said and slapped Elijah lightly "never said such things French, dumb ass here is looking for me to get in trouble" I said gesturing to Elijah.

"Well guess what, both of you to the office" Mr French said, I stood up and hit Elijah's head again before grabbing my stuff and walking out of the room with Elijah by my side. "Can't believe you said that to him" I said to Elijah "well I could've told him and everyone else that you have the hots for Gabriella" Elijah said smirking at me "do not" I denied as I felt my face blush against my words, "right, your face totally agrees with you" Elijah said laughing at me before we walked into the office.

"The Dean is expecting you" the receptionist said pushing her chest up at me, "thanks Cindy" Elijah said before we walked into the Dean's room and closed the door behind us sitting down.

"Alright you two, why'd you have to get sent to me, I was having such a good day" the Dean said "why someone give you attention" Elijah smirked at the Dean, "your lucky your my nephew" the Dean said pointing a finger at Elijah "you love me" Elijah said shrugging his shoulders, "and just for that you can both go home, oh and Elijah tell that sister of mine I'll be around for dinner later with the boys" the Dean said to Elijah before we left his office.

"Uncle huh?" I said smirking at Elijah "hey, I never get into trouble" Elijah said "that's true" I said looking at the time to see the school was finishing in 10 minutes. "I'm off to me locker" I said ditching Elijah and walking to my locker.

Once I got what I needed I walked to Gabriella's class and waited outside for her. Within seconds the siren went and the door opened, girls would come out and wink at me, guys would nod in my direction. Once I saw Gabriella making her way to the door I left my leaning position and walked over to the door and smirked at her.

"God you take forever" I said before we started walking to her locker, "don't you need to go to your locker?" Gabriella asked me "nah, Elijah got us both sent to the Dean's office and he let us go" I simply said "what did he do to get you both sent to the Dean?" Gabriella asked me as we got to her locker, "he told Mr French I thought he looked handsome, I told Elijah to fuck off and French that he was no where near, this pissed him off and he sent us off" I explained making Gabriella lose it laughing.

"I didn't even know the Dean was his uncle either" I said as Gabriella closed her locker and we made our way out to the car.

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