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2 Days Later

I woke up to the smell of bacon, I smiled at thought but instantly jumped up out of bed knowing my brothers were cooking and no doubt about to burn the house down, I run downstairs and into the kitchen panting once I reach the kitchen door frame.

"Morning Bella" my dad said instantly making me take a sigh, "morning dad" I said walking over to him and giving him a hug "happy birthday my baby" dad said kissing my head before pulling away to finish off the rest of the breakfast. I looked up to see pancakes, waffles, crambled eggs, toast and bacon had been plated on separate plates.

"Go sit down, I'll bring you a plate over" dad said pushing me towards the table, I nodded my head before walking over to the table and sitting down in my seat, that's when the front door opened to a bunch of voices as they got closer.

"Gabby, happy birthday" Willow yelled running over to me, I stood up and took her in my arms giving her a hug "thank you Willow" I said pulling away before Rocket ran over to me hugging me just like her sister had, after I pulled away I turned to see my brothers, Xavier, Lena and Dylan standing there.

"Happy birthday Gabby" Blaze said "happy birthday twinnie" Alec and I said together before both my brothers ran over to me and took me into their arms giving me a bear hug, they pulled away not too long after and sat down with Lena and Dylan walked over to me wishing me happy birthday before sitting down themselves leaving Xavier.

"Happy birthday love" Xavier said walking over to me and taking me in his arms "thanks Xav" I said smiling into his shirt "oi lover birds come sit down yeah, breakfast is getting cold" Alec called out in a teasing tone, I pulled away from Xavier and we locked eyes him instantly smirking and me smiling shyly before we went and sat in the last two chairs next to my dad and Rocket.

"Dig in everyone, you leave for school and work soon, don't hurry but eat fast" my dad said making us all laugh before filling our plates up with food. 

During breakfast we all made small talk, the amount of times Xavier would bump my shoulder whilst laughing or look at me with a smile on his face was countless times.

Once I had finished I excused myself before putting my dishes in the dishwasher and running upstairs to get changed. I changed into a pair of denim jeans, white loose singlet, and a pair of Adidas shoes, I left my hair down and grabbed my black Minnie Mouse bomber jacket, I grabbed my phone and bag before walking downstairs to see Xavier, the girls and Alec standing there, Dylan, Lena and Blaze had probably left already.

"Ready?" they all asked together making me chuckle as I nodded my head and we left the house saying goodbye to my dad in the process and walking next door to get into Xavier's car before heading to the primary school to drop the girls off before going to our own school.

Once we got to our school the three of us got out of the car and made our way into the school. Now this caused a massive amount of stares and gossip, I was used to walking in with Xavier only not both the boys, now that my brother was with us everyone else was watching, talking and pointing, I could feel myself slowing down suddenly feeling self conscious, well I didn't get far with slowing down cause Xavier wrapped his arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to him.

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