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This morning I woke up knowing that it was my last time I'll ever wake up in this room. Looking around the room that was completely packed except for my desk which I had just taken everything out and packed into boxes, to my blankets and pillows which will be thrown in the washing and replaced with a completely different set for Ryder, my white walls completely bare, my chair swing outside my balcony, my open wardrobe completely bare of my clothes and other things that'll be replaced by Ryder's things, my bathroom a little past it completely bare.

This room just screamed bare and it was odd, all my boxes and suitcases were downstairs by the door except for the small suitcase I had packed last night with a change of clothes for today and a few photos that were around my room as well as a few other things, my few cameras were in a box downstairs hopefully being handled with care.

Suddenly my bedroom door opened to reveal both my twin and older brother. Blaze closed the door as Alec ran and jumped onto my bed and wrapped his arms around me as I did the same back just as Blaze joined in.

"We're going to miss you Gabby" Blaze said "I'm right next door guys" I said pulling away as I laid my head on Alec's lap whilst he and Blaze sat up resting their backs on my bed rest, "it's not the same, I can't come talk to you about twin life" Alec frowned "and we can't have your amazing cooking" Blaze said causing my to slap him causing us all to laugh "geez all you boys think about it food" I said before playing with the bottom of my shirt.

"Are you sure your okay to do this Gabby?" Blaze asked in all seriousness "I mean even if I didn't want to dad would make sure Ryder would move in and I can't deal with all of you under a roof" I said jokingly "I'm being serious Gabriella" Blaze said "I know, it's just you know I've had too many of these sentimental days lately I just feel like all I do is think, get upset and have a tantrum" I said "you don't have a tantrum Gabriella, honestly you just have too much bottled up in you that you explode, it's not healthy but it's definitely not a tantrum there's a major difference" Alec said and I knew he was right.

I nodded my head before the opened again to reveal dad this time, he smiled at the three of us on my bed.

"I swear I'm going to miss walking in to see this" dad said smiling sadly at us before a cough was heard from behind him, dad moved more into the room to reveal Ryder standing there, his face holding a smile as he looked around his new room although it dropped when his eyes landed on the three of us on my bed, he glared before quickly replacing it with a small smile making me look at Blaze and Alec to see they had noticed what Ryder had just done.

Suddenly the door bell rang and dad ran out of the room before we heard voices getting closer and Ryder was pushed aside by two little girls who came running over to my bed jumping on the three of us, I sneaked a glance at Ryder who was glaring at the girls.

I coughed before getting off my bed leaving the girls to attack my brothers before I walked over to Xavier and wrapped my arms around him in a hug before pulling away. "Morning love" Xavier said his minty breath hitting my face and his cologne engulfing me, "morning" I said earning a kiss on my forehead before facing everyone in my room as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Alright let's start" Ryder said starting to look a little annoyed "I'm hungry" Alec shouted before everyone joined in agreeing this just made Ryder look pissed and impatient, "I'm going to go do breakfast" I announced before turning to Xavier "join me?" I whispered to which he nodded and took my hand before we walked out of my room and downstairs and into the kitchen.

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