SEVEN: Old Pals

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The Next Morning

I woke up to Rocket tapping my arm, I looked over at her to see she had a smile on her face. "Morning Xav" Rocket said "morning Rocky" I said before looking around the room unable to find Willow, "Wills is with Gabriella" Rocket said like she knew who I was looking for, "okay, thanks Rocky, come on" I said helping her onto my back putting my phone in my pants pocket and walking downstairs.

"Gabby stop staring" I heard Willow's voice say as we walked into the kitchen, I looked up just in time to see Gabriella turn back to cooking with a blush tinting her cheeks, I smirked at the thought of my sister catching her checking me out.

"Morning Wills" I said and walked over to her letting Rocket off my back next to her sister before giving Willow a kiss on her forehead before walking over to the kettle turning it on and getting myself a coffee done.

"Did you want one?" I asked Gabriella as I poured myself one "no thanks, I'm about to make a smoothie" Gabriella said before walking over to the fridge and grabbing out fruit, yogurt, ice and milk, she turned to the girls. "Would you girls like a smoothie?" Gabriella asked "yes please" both girls said making Gabriella nod her head before preparing and making the three of them smoothies.

I watched as Gabriella worked the kitchen, obviously knowing where everything was after living in the house for so long, she looked relaxed and at peace as she prepared breakfast for everyone in the house.

Today's breakfast consisted of bacon, eggs, waffles and pancakes with juice.

"Xav?" I heard Gabriella ask "yeah" I said "can you go knock on Blaze's door and let him know breakfast is ready" Gabriella said "sure" I said and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I walked to the room that was beside Gabriella's and knocked on it, shortly after Blaze opened the door tiredly rubbing his eyes.

"What's up?" he asked tiredly "Gabriella wanted you to know breakfast was ready" I said "hell yeah" Blaze said before he grabbed his phone from his desk by the door and shot past me headed for the kitchen making me chuckle, this family is really odd.

Just as I got off the bottom step the front door opened to reveal Alec, who had his hand on his head and was groaning, he was also wearing sunglasses, I smirked at the view. "Morning Alec" I said in my normal voice to annoy him "don't shout" he hiss at me before holding his head again, we both walked into the kitchen and Gabriella handed her brother a couple of painkillers and a smoothie to which he gladly took.

I swear this family kind of depends on Gabriella or something, seriously starting to question about her mom right now, ever since I've met Gabriella I've not heard nor seen her mom around.

I helped Gabriella put the plates of breakfast on the dining table and handed everyone their drinks before sitting down to eat.

"So what time does Lena and Dylan get here?" Gabriella asked Blaze who looked at the large clock that hung in the kitchen. "About half an hour" Blaze said which instantly made Gabriella, Blaze and Alec start eating faster.

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