TWENTY ONE: Official At School

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I woke up to Gabriella in my arms, I smiled and kissed her forehead careful not to wake her before getting out of her bed, I quickly changed into a pair of denim shorts and a plain black shirt, I put my vans on and grabbed my phone before walking into Gabriella's bathroom and washing my face with water and running my wet hands through my hair.

Once I was done I walked back out to see Gabriella was still asleep, I smiled and walked over to her and got back into bed and kissed her forehead before I started tickling her making her beautiful laugh erupt throughout the room, her smile wide and her eyes crinkling in happiness, I stopped after a bit and kissed her cheek before she cuddled up to me placing her head on my chest sighing.

"Time to get ready love, school today" I said "I don't want to" Gabriella simply said "I know Brie, come on though, I'm sure the girls are looking forward to seeing you this morning" I said, it was true, we've been here all weekend and the girls have spent every moment, well almost every moment with Gabriella and myself, smiling Gabriella got off the bed, "alright, I'll meet you downstairs" Gabriella said before walking into her wardrobe that connected to her bathroom.

I walked out of Gabriella's room and downstairs to see both girls were eating breakfast with Alec and Matt, Blaze no where in sight. "Morning" I said walking into the room, both girls yelled my name out in greeting as they happily finished their breakfast, Alec nods his head at me and Matt smiles before dealing with his empty dishes.

"Alright I've got to head to work, since you've got your car Xavier your going to take everyone to school. Blaze would've but he got called in early" Matt explained before he grabbed his phone and work bag, he walked out of the kitchen at the same time Gabriella came down, I heard Matt talk to her before they said goodbye and Gabriella walked in and made us some breakfast as I made myself a cup of coffee and got her juice out.

After breakfast we all grabbed our things, luckily whilst Gabriella and I ate Alec quickly dressed the girls. 

We got into the car and drove towards the primary school for the girls. I got out once we got there and helped them out before we walked to the drop off area where we said our goodbyes before they walked into the school and I walked to the car starting it up again and left for the school.


Once we got to the school we all got out and met up at the front of the car where Xavier took my hand in his kissing it before we walked towards the entrance.

A few students were outside still and noticed us straight away and started whispering and pointing at Xavier and myself, we walked through the doors and into the school corridor to be in the centre of everyone's attention, I took a deep breath as Xavier rubbed his thumb over my palm calming me down.

We walked over to my locker where Alec and I both exchanged our books we needed to as Xavier leaned against the locker next to mine as he watched and waited.

Once we were done Xavier took my hand again before we started walking towards our first class that the three of us happened to have together.

Once we got to the class we still had about 5 minutes until warning bell so I sat at my desk and Xavier came and sat on top of it as he placed his hand on mine as he spoke to Alec about a strategy to try in the semi final basketball game this Friday, yep you heard right, because Xavier joined our team for the first time in three years our school is in the semi finals.

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