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* Gabriella *

I woke up to see everyone sitting around me, sighing happily once they noticed me awake they relaxed. "Sorry Brie, we were just hoping that you were just sleeping, we're scared you won't wake up when you go to sleep next," Xavier said making me think the opposite of what I've been wanting to think of this entire time.

"Did anyone bring my school things for me to catch up and study something for these exams?" I asked looking around the room at them all. "Gabriella you've just woken up from a four-week coma, you need to relax and not stress your brain out, the school is aware that you won't be taking exams with the rest of the year group and have moved graduation back a couple of weeks so you can attend after taking your own exams," dad said, "your not hearing me, I'm doing my exams with everyone else, I don't care what you all say," I said stubbornly everyone sighed before the nurse came in.

"Everything okay in here?" she asked once she noticed the tense atmosphere in the room, "tell me I can leave, I need to study and take my exams to graduate with everyone else," I said practically begging to be let out, "I'm sure your school won't mind you having a week off, but I'll check with the doctor," she said before walking out, what part of I want to do exams and graduate with everyone else on time is no one getting? Honestly.

About five minutes later the doctor walked in. "How're you feeling Gabriella?" he asked "fine, just want out of here to study," I said "well your persistent I'll give you that. I think your the only teenager I've had that wanted to get out and study," he said giving a slight chuckle, after checking my chart and asking me a few questions he walked out of the room with dad, everyone following behind to find out what he thought leaving me to the room on my own.

As I sat in the bed and looked at them all talking, occasionally looking or pointing in my direction thinking I was oblivious to their actions making me frown. They soon all piled in with frowns as the doctor came to my side. "Alright now after checking over everything and a very lengthy chat with your family we've decided to let you go. Now it is Tuesday so you are to stay home for the rest of this week but next week you may go back to school, you must be careful and patient with yourself, you must only come back for your exams, your friends and family will bring you your work this week to prepare you at home. Do not under any circumstances strain your brain, only do an hour or two a day, you've obviously got a broken arm and bruised ribs so those are what you are to focus on, your brain needs to be a priority as well as we don't want you straining it or bruising it," the doctor explained as I sat there taking everything in.

"Now I've also been made aware that your prom and graduation are both coming up within the next few weeks. I'll see you at the end of the week to check up on you and give you the all-clear to attend. Now do you understand everything I've told you?" he asked me, after a couple of minutes I finally nodded making him smile, "now before we let you go I've got to get your dad to fill out some paperwork and we need to get a proper cast on you," the doctor added before he called the nurse back in to unhook me and lead me to the room to get my cast on whilst he took my dad off to fill the paperwork out.

Once my cast was on I was told how to care for it and not to get it wet, that was a strict rule. I was now dressed in my own clothes and waiting in the room for dad to come back from signing the paperwork.

"Alright now Gabriella, if the pain gets worse or something doesn't feel right please come back, if you manage to hurt yourself or fall over please do come back in so we can make sure nothing else is damaged, I've given your dad the medication you have to take and he'll explain it to you and anyone who will be watching you, please do not go to school this week, next week is only to attend exams and then someone will take you straight back home, myself, your father and no doubt your friends will mention this to your school and principal so they can stop you from staying longer," the doctor explained once he walked back into my room with dad behind him.

I sighed but nodded, "alright seeing as though you understand and I've got everyone watching you you may all leave," the doctor said, after bidding farewell we all left. Once I was out of the hospital I took a deep breath and smelt the fresh air outside making me smile before Xavier walked over and took his hand in mine smiling at me, "ready to go home?" He asked instantly earning the biggest smile from me.

Once Xavier pulled into the driveway he helped me out of the car as my dad, Alec and Blaze grabbed my things from the car, we all walked into the house and into my and Xavier's room, the house was a little dirty with some toys laying around but overall it wasn't too bad. Once in our room, Xavier helped me into bed, "alright are you comfortable?" Xavier asked me as they all looked at me, "I'd be even more comfortable if I was in class doing an exam, which shouldn't you two be taking your exams now?" I asked Alec and Xavier, "you're more important, plus we were in a class, we had finished an exam yesterday and don't have one until tomorrow," Xavier said, I really wish I was going with them, "please tell me I can do some study for an exam whilst I'm home this week," I said looking at them all, "I'll give you an hour every day if your head ends up hurting you are to stop immediately," dad said, I sighed and looked at them all, I knew they weren't going to budge on this. 

Nodding my head I laid my head back onto my pillow and looked at the ceiling wishing I was currently in class with the rest of my classmates. I felt the bed dip and looked to the side to see Xavier next to me looking back into my eyes. "I know love," Xavier said instantly knowing I wanted to be in class, "are you hungry?" dad asked making us stare at him, "yeah a little," I said making him nod before he walked out of the room shortly calling for Xavier.

As Xavier left the room Alec walked in and laid next to me. "I know," Alec said taking my good hand in his as we laid there.

After ten minutes passed Xavier walked back in with a bowl and handed it to me, Alec stood and they all left the room to leave me alone. As I ate my noodles, yeah they had made me noodles, don't know why it took ten minutes when it really takes like five minutes if that. 

I was alone for a good couple of hours before the sound of a door open and shut and Willow and Rocket's voices screamed through the house before the two girls and Xavier walked into the room, both girls instantly running over and jumping onto the bed careful not to get my wrist or my ribs. "I'm so happy your home," Rocket said carefully hugging me before pulling away so Willow could give me a hug.

"So am I," I said looking at them with a smile on my face. "Alright girls Gabriella has to rest so go do your homework, I'll start dinner shortly," Xavier said making us three frown before the girls walked off.

Xavier walked over to me and kissed my head before laying down with me taking my hand in his.

Within a couple of hours Xavier had left me to go make dinner for us all, I have been in bed since I got home and I wasn't enjoying it, thankfully tomorrow I get to move elsewhere.

After dinner Xavier drew me a bath so I didn't get my cast wet and even washed my hair for me.

Once I was in my pyjamas we both laid on the couch, it was a little uncomfortable with my ribs but I was happy to be off the bed and in his arms, the four of us were watching an episode of Hannah Montana before it was time for us all to sleep.


Hello loves,
I'm sorry it's literally been three years (2019) since I last posted for this story, I've had the biggest writers block and loss of inspiration for this story so apologies on that.
This is also a short chapter as I couldn't think what to put.
Love Jess

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