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I woke up to Rocket and Willow fighting. "What's going on?" I asked the girls "Rocky took my favourite shoes" Willow whined "don't you both have a pair?" I asked looking at the shoes "yeah, but their mine" Willow said "Rocket where did you put yours last?" I asked "my bedroom, same place I found these" Rocket said, "Willow where did you leave yours?" I asked her "oh, sorry Rocket, I just realised mine were in the living room" Willow said before running off.

"Get ready, we'll be leaving for soon" I said before walking into my room and changing into a pair of black jeans and a black shirt, I put my vans on before adding my schools jacket before walking out of my room. 

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed my bag from the hook and started going through it making sure the homework I had was done before I made us all lunch, I gave the girls breakfast and myself a banana before we left for school.

After dropping the girls off I drove to the high school. After parking I got out and walked past Gabriella and her group, they were all chatty like usual and Gabriella, our eyes connected, hers looked lifeless, I frowned at the sight before I continued walking.

I walked over to my locker trading my books for others before heading to my first class.

By the time lunch came I walked into the cafeteria with my little basketball posse I had gained in the few months. They walked over to our table whilst I walked over to Gabriella and her table making everyone look at me with wide eyes, I notice Maddi kick Gabriella under the table before nodding in my direction causing Gabriella to turn around and notice me, instantly her eyes widen and she turned back to her food grabbing her things and started walking away.

I stepped in front of Gabriella not letting her get around me making her huff in annoyance and soon I could feel everyone's gaze and whispers on us.

"I'm sorry" I said instantly Gabriella's eyes widen at the fact I was apologising. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left the way I did, you didn't deserve it" I started to say, Gabriella must've had a lot of anger because suddenly she was yelling at me causing everyone to gasp. "Damn right I didn't deserve it, I've helped you out through everything Xavier and a simple question throws our friendship away" Gabriella exclaimed trying to fight the tears wanting to break out.

"Would you let me finish" I said, Gabriella stayed quiet so I took this as my chance to explain. "You've got to understand I caused a load of trouble before I moved here, I always drank, went to parties and slept around. I was your typical bad boy, minus the smoking."

"This all kicked in once my dad and Zara died" this made the entire cafeteria gasp. 

"I was kicked out of three schools in one semester for being a shithead, each school only did three strikes before you were expelled." I explained.

"The first school I went to was an hour away from where I was living. The first strike I got was simply putting insects and mice in the cafeteria food, the second strike was running nude during a females volleyball game, and the third was spray painting the teachers nicknames to their cars. I was kicked out within 2 weeks."

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