TWENTY EIGHT: Brother/Sister Day

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The Next Morning

I woke up to beeping and a pain in my back, I stood up seeing I was in a hospital room confused until I saw my sister sleeping in her hospital bed peacefully, with of course the machines beeping telling me she's doing good, I heard my phone beep from the side of the hospital bed and picked it up to see it was Gabriella.

Gabriella: Willow says good morning, I'm taking her to school in about 5, want me to drop by and get you for school?

Me: Good Morning. Not going to school today, want to stay with Rockie.

Gabriella: Alright give her a hug for me

Me: Will do

"Xav" Rocket's quiet voice spoke up from the bed, I looked over to see my sister looking at me tiredly "morning Rockie" I said "I miss the others" Rocket said sadly "same here, but they said good morning and Gabriella and Willow told me to give you a hug" I said giving her a big hug.

"Oh good morning" Kellie's voice sounded from behind us as we turned to see her walk in, "morning Kellie" Rocket and I both said making Kellie chuckle, "are you hungry Rocket?" Kellie asked "yes" Rocket said making Kellie nod her head before excusing herself.

"Xav, when can I go home?" Rocket asked me "I'm not sure Rockie, I'll ask Kellie when she gets back" I said to her, "alright here you go Rocket" Kellie said placing a tray in front of my sister with a jelly cup and toast with a juice box. "Thank you Kellie" Rocket said before she started eating, not before giving me the jelly cup making me chuckle.

"Kellie" I said "I'm guessing she wants to leave?" Kellie asked almost stating it "yeah" I said adding a light chuckle, "well she seems to be fine, I'll come back in shortly and check on her and then I'll let you know" Kellie said before walking out of the room. "I should probably call your school" I said to Rocket as I dialled the primary school.

"Hello this is Berkley High Street Primary School, Amanda speaking how can I help you?" someone answered after a couple of rings "hello Amanda, I'm just calling to inform that my sister Rocket Flemming won't be coming in today, however Willow Flemming will be dropped off and maybe picked up by Gabriella Rivers" I said "no problem, thank you for calling to inform" Amanda said "absolutely, bye" I said before hanging up and putting my phone away.

"Alright now Rocket your feeling better yes?" Kellie asked my sister "yes" Rocket said "okay, since your better I'll check your bandages and you should be able to go after that" Kellie said before grabbing a tray and some cleaning products before she walked over to Rocket and started removing the bandages, they weren't bleeding no more thankfully so Kellie cleaned them before leaving them to breath.

"If she starts bleeding again before you go let me know, I'll send some things home with you though" Kellie said before grabbing the clipboard from Rocket's bed adding a few things to it before walking out of the room. She returned just as fast as she'd left with Eric who walked over to Rocket and started taking out the IV cord and the the hat was on her finger before helping her off the bed.

Rocket stood and held onto Eric to keep her balance before she ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I've missed your cuddles Rockie" I said wrapping my arms around her waist keeping her close. "Alright Xavier just sign these papers and you can go" Kellie said handing some papers over to me.

After signing the papers we grabbed the things for Rocket's cuts before leaving the hospital and heading home.

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