SIXTEEN: 2 Months Later

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Hi loves,

So sorry it took awhile for this to come out. I've got plenty of chapters ready for you but I've been busy celebrating birthday's, editing 'Engaged To Mr CEO' and hanging out with friends and enjoying the summer sun.

Here's a new chapter. Please comment if you like this as even though it's one of my favourites I don't know if you guys enjoy it or not.

Thanks for reading though.

Lots of love Jess xx



2 Months Later

I've been awake for about half an hour now and all I've done is lean against my balcony in the cold breeze that was around at 6 in the morning looking at the house across from mine.

It's been 2 months since we've spoken to each other since the whole beach house thing. My brothers are seriously pissed off with Xavier for ignoring and making me the way I've become and my dad well he tries to make time between work, Xavier and his sisters and us but he's slipping away, I can feel it. Xavier has stolen my dad from me and it's killing me.

The only time I've come out of my room was for food, water and school. I haven't gone to a game since Blaze made me go and I don't go anywhere with friends or family. 

Today would've been Amy's 10th birthday. I miss hearing her laugh and seeing her smile, she was so innocent and was taken at such a young age by a fucking swimming pool.

Every year on this day we usually went back to the beach house to visit mom and Amy, although because Xavier has stolen my dad I don't think he remembers Amy. Every time I see my dad with Xavier's sisters his smile never leaves his face, it's practically like he was imagining them as myself and Amy.

Knowing Blaze would be awake in about 20 minutes and we'd be leaving a little after 7 I decided to quickly jump into the shower before pulling on a pair of jeans, a white short sleeved shirt and a pair of Adidas shoes.

I put my hair in a bun on top of my head and grabbed a jumper, I made sure to grab my phone before walking back to the balcony and sitting in my chair.

After sitting for another 10 minutes I could hear shouting coming from downstairs, checking the time I also noticed it was about time to go. I stood up making sure I had my phone on me, I grabbed my earphones and sunglasses before leaving my room and walking downstairs to see Blaze yelling at dad who just stood there looking guilty.

"Don't you see dad, we're losing her, we're losing you. Every minute you spend away from us to spend with Xavier and his sisters you become less attached to us, we never see you anymore and it's taking a toll on Gabriella, who never comes out of her room unless she needs to eat or drink and go to school" Blaze yelled "you three have me, Xavier has no one but the girls, he needs help" dad fought back "we need you too dad" Blaze said before I stepped off the last step causing them to glance at me surprised and shocked.

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