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This chapter is literally about the title. All things are half real on this subject cause whilst I searched about family law in California, I also wanted to complete this story.

Please don't be rude. Also, sorry for my ignorance on the subject if any of this offends you.

Authors note at the end.



"Is everyone ready?" I called through the house collecting all the documents I needed, "yes," the house of girls called back. We walked out of the house and next door to leave the girls with Blaze and Alec whilst Matt, Gabriella, and I went to court.

"You two behave," I said to the girls before turning to Blaze and Alec, "thank you again if you need us call Gabriella," I said instantly getting a from the boys before squeezing the girls and walking outside to join Matt and Gabriella in the car.

Once we got to the court house we all got out of the car and walked over to the doors, I could see my mother standing with a man, and another man off to the other side of the room, mum was chatting to the man she was standing with stopping once we step inside the room. 

"Where are my daughters?" she asked, reminding myself to stay quiet like Matt and Blake, Matt's lawyer brother, constantly told me. Following Matt over to the man I want to say is Blake with Gabriella holding my hand I could hear my mother continually making remarks about me, the girls and Gabriella all whilst her lawyer, I'm assuming, was telling her to stay quiet.

"Xavier it's good to meet you finally, I'm Blake Western," the man we stopped in front of greeted with his hand out towards me for a handshake, instantly taking it and shaking, "and yourself, thank you so much for doing this," I said withdrawing my hand and placing my hands in my pant pockets. 

"Of course, once Matt called and told me what was going on I was more than happy to help out, now well done for ignoring her comments, keep that up, let me do the majority of today's talking unless you are asked questions, don't talk to her at all, only speak to myself or the judge," Blake spoke making me nod my head.

"Case 4085, Alice Flemming and Xaiver Flemming," a loud voice boomed from a doorway instantly getting my nerves soaring again, clearing my throat I followed Blake into the room, Matt and Gabriella following behind. Blake and I crossed through the room to the table on the right whilst Alice and the man she was with went to the table to my left and instantly sat down, I stood there whilst Gabriella and Matt stood behind the barrier waiting for the judge.

"All rise for Judge Rogers," the same voice from earlier said instantly, making those who were sitting down stand, my mother begrudgingly standing whilst her lawyer nudged her a little. "All may be seated," he voiced again once the Judge had sat down. "Case 4085, Alice Flemming and Xavier Flemming over custody of Rocket and Willow Flemming," the voice continued informing the Judge.

"Xavier Flemming, correct?" The Judge looked at me, standing up with my lawyer, "yes, your honour," I said, "and who is representing you?" he asked, "Blake Western, your honour," Blake said earning a nod, "Okay, please tell me your side of why were here today," Judge Rogers said looking at me, "Your Honour we're here today to gain full custody of Xavier Flemming's younger sisters Willow and Rocket Flemming. About five months ago Xavier was at his friend's house when he got a call from his younger sisters informing him they were left at home alone and someone they didn't know was in the house, Xavier and his friend Gabriella instantly drove to his house and found his sisters hiding in one of the bedrooms, after moving the girls to Xavier's room and leaving them with Gabriella, Xavier went looking for the intruder and found his mum's boyfriend, Ethan who if I'm correct is currently in jail still serving four months." 

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