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* Gabriella *
- Four Days Later -

I put my pen down as the test alarm went off, sighing I looked down at my just completed work. I'm officially up to date with exams, my next one is in about ten minutes with the rest of my year level, the principal took my aside when I first came back a couple of days ago to help set me up on days and times I could come in and get up to date.

It hurt here and there and being on my own away from prying eyes helped me relax a little.

"Alright Gabriella your free to go join the rest of your level in today's exam," the teacher over looking today's exam spoke up, nodding I flipped my sheet over and stood up giving a thanks and walking out of the room shutting the door behind me and making my way towards the classroom where everyone else would be.

As I walked in I could see both boys watching me as I sat down in my seat, ignoring them I looked up at the time to see it was 9 am, the exam was to start any second now and I can't wait to get it done and out of here.

Within seconds, the principal walked to the front of the room. "Good morning everyone, you've got two hours for this exam, no helping one another. Does everyone have a pencil?" He asked looking around the room, a few people raised their hands and he walked over to them placing a pencil, eraser and sharpener in front of them before walking back to the front of the room.

"You've got two hours, you may start," he said before pressing a button on the timer and walking out of the room and swapping with one of our actual teachers. Looking down I grabbed my pencil and put my name on the first sheet before flipping it over and getting on with the exam.

Within the first hour I had flown halfway through the six page exam, as I turned to page five I felt my head slowly start to hurt, closing my eyes I took a deep breath before reopening them and starting on the sheet.

Once I got to the last page my head was getting worse, I placed my pencil down and placed my head in my hands trying to massage my head rid of the pain. "You okay?" I heard the teacher's voice beside me, looking over I saw him squatting next to me, "I'm fine, it's just a little sore," I said "you can stop and finish later if needed," he said "no, I'm doing this now," I said grabbing my pencil again, "just don't overwork yourself," he said before getting up and walking off.

I put my attention back to the last page and managed to get the last few questions answered before I heard the loud beeping of the timer slightly making me jump in my seat.

"Alright flip your pack over again and stand," the teacher said watching us all flip our exam sheets over so the back blank page was facing up and stood up before we made our way out of the room.

"Why didn't you stop?" Xavier came up to me the second we got out, "I'm fine," I said slightly wincing at the slight pain in my head, "fine my ass," Xavier said "yes it is fine, now let's go home," I said as we started walking towards the parking lot since we only had the one exam today.

Once home I went straight inside and sat down on the couch scrolling through my phone. "Why didn't you stop?" Xavier asked again once he joined me on the couch, "because I didn't need to," I said "bull, I saw Mr Shaw by your side towards the end, I know you were hurting," Xavier said "I'm fine Xavier, it's not like you stop everything the second you get a headache, that's all mine was. I'm fine now stop," I said my tone raising as I felt myself grow defensive as I stood up and walked out of the room to calm myself down.

* Xavier *

I wish Gabriella would understand why I'm doing this, I was so worried she wouldn't wake up and when I got told she had a head injury it worried me more, yes I know I've been on her in regards to her head hurting but I don't want her to be in pain, I know she's trying to be strong but I also know that wasn't a headache at school I know it was just her injuries acting up.

I walked into the kitchen and made us noodles for lunch before serving it up and walking through the house trying to find her. Eventually finding her in our room in the dark, as I got closer I noticed her eyes were shut and her breathing soft.

"Brie," I said shaking her slightly to wake her, groaning she opened her eyes, "just made you noodles," I said pointing to her bowl on the bedside table, she nodded and sat up grabbing it.

I walked out of the room giving her space and turned the TV on eating my own noodles.

Two hours later it was time to pick the girls up from school, walking to mine and Gabriella's room I noticed she was asleep, writing a note to let her know where I was headed I left it by her side of the bed before walking out the door with my keys, phone and ID and heading for the primary school.

"Xavier where's Gabriella?" Rocket asked once the girls ran out of class to me, "asleep at home" I said making her nod her head, "is she okay?" Rocket asked "she will be, her head was hurting a bit today," I said as we returned to the car and headed home.

Once we got home the girls raced inside and straight to the kitchen table to do their homework, I went up and checked on Gabriella to see if she was awake now. "We're home," I said softly to not scare her, looking up Gabriella nodded her head before slowly getting out of bed and heading downstairs with me following behind.

"Look who's up," I said as we walked into the kitchen, "Gabby," the girls said getting up and running over gently hugging her.

"Alright girls back to homework, I'll work on dinner in an hour," I said making them both frown before walking back to the table, Gabriella sat with them pointing out different bits here and there making me smile.

I started doing some washing when I heard my phone go off, pulling it from my pocket I noticed it was an unknown number, and ignoring it I put it back in my pocket continuing with the washing.

By the time I had finished putting the second load of washing away with Gabriella's help on the last load, I walked into the kitchen grabbed my phone and noticed I had ten missed calls from the same number another coming through as I went to put my phone away, sighing I answer it. "Hello?" I replied, "about time you answered, I'm coming for the girls, I'll be there in five minutes," my mum's voice said through the receiver, "you're not taking them," I simply said before hanging up before she could say anything else.

Unknown: Expect to hear from my lawyer.

A message came through instantly making me frown, how can this be happening.

"Xavier?" Gabriella's voice sounded from the kitchen door making me turn to her, "what's wrong?" She asks walking over to me looking at my phone and taking it before I could put it away. "What's going on? Who sent this?" Gabriella asked growing even more worried, "my mum," I simply said making Gabriella release the slightest gasp.

"How long have you both been in contact?" Gabriella asked "she wouldn't stop calling earlier and I left it until now," I said wishing I didn't take the phone call and have to deal with what was currently running through my mum might be put in custody of the girls and I can't let that happen, I'm worried as it is.

Not saying anything more Gabriella kissed my shoulder giving it a squeeze before starting on dinner despite myself earlier planning on doing it.

After dinner we got the girls in the bath and then we all sat down to chill, within an hour both the girls were out cold, I moved them to their rooms before walking back down and cuddling up to Gabriella who was still laying in her position on the couch watching the TV.

"Are you okay?" Gabriella asked after awhile of us sitting there, "yeah, just worried is all," I truthfully said "I can't lose the girls Brie," I added running a hand down my face, "I can't believe she's taking us to court over this, she could be happily living with her boyfriend in that house," I added, "and I'll lose because I don't have a lawyer to help the court see my point of view," I finished.

"Just breath, we'll talk to my dad tomorrow, I'm sure he knows someone who can help," Gabriella said before grabbing my hand and pulling us off the couch, I turned the TV off and we shut up the house before making our way to our room.

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