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"Can I help you?" I asked instantly the person turned around and I felt the wind get knocked out of me.

In front of me stood a guy probably a little younger than me. Although the first thing I noticed was his Hazel eyes, the same as my dads; he looked more like dad than Blaze and Alec did and that says something.

"Gabriella?" He asked unsure if I was really in front of him "I'm guessing your Ryder?" I asked to which his eyes widen before he slowly nodded his head at me, "wow, sorry it's just been a few years" Ryder said as we both looked one another over, "you look like her you know" Ryder said as he searched my whole face as if trying to remember every little detail "how do you know? You were too young to know who looked like who" I suddenly snapped "dad still occasionally sends photos of you lot to me" Ryder said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Gabby close the door when you leave" Alec's annoyed voice comes from the front door before he noticed me standing there frozen, "what's the matter Gabs? I swear if your staring at your lover boy shirtless I'll tackle you" Alec said before joining me and looking to where I was to see his younger brother standing in front of him, instantly he froze as well as we all looked at one another.

"S-so y-your our brother" Alec stuttered which made me look at him wide eyed, he never stuttered. "Uh, yeah" Ryder said scratching the back of his neck.

"Hey Brie..." Xavier started but stopped when he noticed the three of us standing on the pathway leading to the front door, suddenly a car door opening and closing sounded. "Ryder" I heard my dad breath out breathless, we all tore our eyes off one another to see my dad standing there in his work uniform and his bag on his shoulder as his eyes were wide and his lips were slightly parted as he looked between his three kids.

"Uh, hi dad" Ryder said rubbing the back of his neck, I guess he was nervous today. "Uh come in" dad said before we all walked inside, Xavier went back to his confused but got that we needed time.

We all walked into the kitchen, me closing the door behind me and following them inside. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a couple of orange jucies, throwing one to my twin who instantly caught it before he threw me a packet of strawberry oreos as he grabbed a packet of peanut butter ones making me scrunch my face at him as he poked his tongue out at me.

We heard someone clear their throat and realised it was dad. "Uh did you want a drink?" I asked Ryder "just water will be fine" Ryder said as he had watched Alec and me sadly, I nodded and grabbed a cup filling it with water and handed it over to him, "anything to eat?" I asked to which he just grabbed a green apple from in front of him and bit into it making us all look shocked, we just have it incase we were bored and desperately hungry, which with me and Alec in the house was a lot.

"Um, your probably wondering why I'm here, and today of all days" Ryder started "got that right" Alec said before I whacked him on the side of his head glaring at him. Suddenly my phone beeped, I pulled it out to see it was Blaze.

Blaze: Is it true? Ryder at home?

Me: Yep

Blaze: Be home in 10

"I swear if that's lover boy he can wait" Alec said to me, "no you dimwit it's your older brother" I said and noticed Ryder tense in the corner of my eye. "Blaze will be here in 10" I said to dad making him nod his head, "alright I'm going to go change, one of you fetch me when your brother gets in and we'll talk" dad said before kissing my head and ruffling Alec's hair before walking out of the kitchen.

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