FOUR: Family Day

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The Next Morning

I woke up feeling slightly sore in my stomach, I pulled the covers back a bit and lifted my pyjama shirt to see a light bruise on my stomach. I groaned and laid there.

Suddenly my bedroom door opened. "Morning Gabby, how you feeling?" Blaze asked "fine, just a sore stomach" I said "yeah, come on, us three are having a family day. Get dressed and meet us downstairs in 15" Blaze said before walking out of the room closing the door behind.

I got out of bed and walked into my wardrobe grabbing a pair of jeans, a black plain shirt, I put my Adidas shoes on and grabbed a light tan coat, I dressed myself before walking out of my room with my phone in my hand and downstairs where my brothers were waiting for me.

"Ready?" Blaze asked "yeah, where we going?" I asked "surprise" Blaze said before we all walked out of the house and into Blaze's car.

After driving around for almost an hour Blaze pulled up to a large grass field. Getting out I looked around trying to find where we were and what we were doing, but I saw nothing. "Come on Gabby, this way" Blaze said taking my hand and pulling me down the field.

As we continued down the field I saw a park with a house behind it. We walked down to the park and looked around. "Gabby come here" I heard Alec say, I walked over to him to see he was pointing at a tunnel, I looked inside to see all three of our names with our little sister Samantha's name.

That's when I realised, this house was where we used to live before everything happened. I looked around the playground at the memories. 

"Want to go inside?" Blaze asked as we stood looking at the house, "but isn't that someone else's house?" I asked "I asked them earlier if we could come by and they were fine with it" Blaze explained, I nodded my head and the three of us made our way towards the front door.

Blaze knocked on the door once we reached it. Shortly after a few minutes of waiting the door opened to reveal a lady about her 30's maybe, she was wearing a pair of jeans and stripy shirt as well as socks. 

"Hi there, you must be Blaze Rivers" the lady said sticking her hand out "yes, this is my sister Gabriella and my brother Alec" Blaze introduced us "well I'm Lily, please come in" the lady said stepping aside, we walked inside and instantly I was hit with memories of us four kids running down the stairs in chasey or trying to find a hiding spot for hide and seek.

"You alright?" Blaze asked me, I simply nodded and we continued around the house. We were shown through the living room where I remember movie nights with the family, walking into the kitchen I instantly saw mom over the stove. 

"Mom?" I whispered mom looked up at me a smiled "Bella" my mom said hugging me "how was school?" my mom asked once she let me go "good, mom are you actually here?" I asked "no sweetie, I'm sorry, look I've gotta go, Samantha is waiting for me. I love you" my mom said before kissing me and fading.

"Gabby" I heard Blaze say worried 'huh?" I asked looking at everyone who was looking at me worried "are you okay? Who were you talking to?" Alec asked me "I'm fine, mom was standing over there" I said pointing at the stove "that was her favourite part of the house" Blaze said "come on, let's continue" Blaze added before we followed Lily through the house some more.

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