FIFTEEN: 1 Month Later

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Of course the video above is for the game scene, since I'm horrible at basketball. Troy is of course Xavier. Alec will be taking Chad #8's place. The whole Gabriella standing up part doesn't happen.


1 Month Later

"Gabby wake up" I heard Maddi call as she entered my room, "I'm in the bathroom" I shouted from my bathroom pulling on a black and gold diamond jumpsuit, I paired it with a pair of black ballet flats and left my hair out, I walked out of my bathroom placing my phone in my jumpsuit pocket along with a few hair ties in my bag incase my hair annoyed me.

I put my bag on my shoulder before walking over to my cousin who was wearing a black dress that reached her knees and some black ballet flats herself, her hair was in a perfect high bun on top of her head with a few strands of hair down her face.

"Some looks amazing" I said to my cousin making her blush "right back at you" she said with a smile on her face as we both smiled at each others outfit nodding our heads before giggling and walking downstairs to see Alec and Blaze waiting for us.

"About time you two, we've been waiting forever" Alec said groaning making us all chuckle before we left the house, dad had left before I had woken up this morning Blaze tells me.

Once we get to the school we walk into the school and over to our little group of friends. I was talking to Maddi and the new girl Mallory or as we call Mal who arrived last week and I quickly stole her friendship.

Suddenly there was talk coming from the entrance, I spun my head around and instantly caught who they were talking about, yep you guessed it Xavier Flemming was walking through the school entrance with the school's basketball teams jacket on, he was walking with Ty, Blake, James, Alex and they had the schools cheerleaders April, Katherine or Kat, Tori, Eleanor and Emma.

Xavier and I caught each others gazes before he turned and walked down the hall towards his locker, it'd been like this for a month and it was killing me, honestly after my dad got home from his that Sunday morning Xavier left. School the next day apart of the basketball team, Coach was fully happy on Xavier joining, but he hadn't spent any time with us except for Alec who was of course on the team with him but they rarely spoke to one another Alec tells me.

I haven't seen the girls since all this stuff happened, I hear their voices everyday, sometimes I hear my dad talking to them and visiting them but Xavier won't let anyone else over and if asked about us by the girls Xavier tended to get off the subject the second its brought up and that's all.

"Gabby" Mal said worriedly "don't worry about her Mallory, it's going to happen every time they see one another" Alec said, "excuse me" I said and closed my locker before walking the opposite way to my class and away from prying eyes, they may be friends and family but I don't show my feelings whilst I'm at school, not since Xavier started to ignore us, it definitely made Austin happy to see that Xavier had left me alone.

I walked into my classroom, fully aware I was still 5 minutes early but I couldn't care less. I sat in my usual seat and just thought about everything that had happened in a month.

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