TEN: House Hunting

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The Next Morning

I woke up to hair in my face, confused as I'm sure I wasn't with any girl last night I moved the hair from my eyesight to see Willow was in my arms asleep. Why was Willow in my arms, I then looked at Blaze to see Rocket in his arms and then I looked over and saw my twin sister cuddled up with Xavier on the chair across from me.

I quietly got off the couch so I didn't wake Willow and grabbed my phone from the coffee table to see it was 7:30am, we all had about half an hour before we had to leave for school. I looked at my sister and Xavier and saw how close they were holding each other. 

I turned my camera mode on and aimed it at the two taking the picture.

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I sent the photo to Gabriella before I decided everyone should probably wake up.

"Guys wake up, it's 7:30" I said, Willow and Rocket woke up looking sleepy and confused, Rocket asking for Xavier, Blaze was awake too and was looking at us all trying to figure out what was going on, the only two that didn't wake up was Xavier and Gabriella.

"You guys go get ready, I'll wake them" I heard dad speak up from behind me, we all left the room, the girls walked into Gabriella's room with their bags closing the door behind them whilst Blaze and I went into our rooms.


"Guys wake up, it's 7:30" I heard someone say but pulled Gabriella closer not wanting to wake up just yet, I could hear Rocket asking for me and another voice saying they'd wake someone up.

That's when I heard. "Xavier, Gabriella wake up" it sounded like Matt's voice, I slowly opened my eyes instantly getting blinded by the light coming from the living room windows, I groaned shoving my head in Gabriella's hair, I pulled away and looked up to see Matt standing there looking at us, "come on, you two are going to be late" Matt said before walking off.

I looked at Gabriella who was sleeping peacefully, she had an oversized jumper on, probably either her dads or one of her brothers, her hair was in a messy bun, her eyes were obviously closed but she looked peaceful and her lips were slightly parted as she breathed.

I sighed knowing I had to wake her up. "Gabriella" I said and slightly shook her "no" Gabriella said cuddling up to my arm making me chuckle, "Rivers time to wake up" I said, still she wouldn't wake up, "fine, you give me no choice" I said before walking out of the living room to see Willow and Rocket walk out of Gabriella's room. 

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