TWENTY: Reminiscing With Old Friends and Drama

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Hi loves,

Honestly I have like 7 chapters for this story to upload.

So sorry I haven't been uploading as much.

Hope you enjoy.

Lots of love Jess xx



The Next Morning

I woke up to something heavy around my waist holding me from moving, I slowly turned around which was quite impossible with my fluffy onesie on might I add. Soon my eyes found the face they were looking for.

Brown hair fanned out over his face, bits of it hanging over his eyes; his lips were open barely as he breathed in and out; he had a complete relaxed expression on his face and I found myself smiling and carefully bringing my hand up to his face careful not to wake him as my fingers gently traced over his face.

"Hmm" I heard Xavier breath out as he leaned into my touch making me catch my breath and his eyes opened and clear blue stared right back at me, a tired smile making its way onto his lips. "Morning love" Xavier said in a husky voice full of sleep as he placed his hand on my cheek rubbing it with his thumb making me lean into his touch sighing happily as I closed my eyes.

I sighed in content when I felt his soft lips hit my forehead. "My girl" Xavier said as I opened my eyes to see his blue eyes looking straight back at me with a smile resting on his face, he wrapped his arms around me again tighter than before and let his hands grip onto the soft fabric of my onesie mine doing the same to his as we held each other close.

"Xavie" we heard Rocket's voice speak up tiredly "here Rocky" Xavier said pulling slightly away so his sister could join us laying in between us as both Rocket and I were resting on Xavier's arm. The three of us laid there and chatted about whatever we could as everyone else slept. 

Rocket was now playing with my hair whilst Xavier was asleep, yeah he'd fallen back asleep about 10 minutes ago, both Rocket and I still laying on his arm as the two of us faced each other and spoke quietly about what we wanted to do today.

"Gabby where's my mommy? I miss her" Rocket said quietly I could see her blue eyes start to cloud as they filled with tears. I looked at Xavier to see him still deeply sleeping, I look around and everyone is sleeping still, I carefully got off the couch so I didn't wake Xavier and held my arms out for Rocket who climbed into my arms and the two of us walked up to my bedroom, I closed the door and placed Rocket on my bed sitting with her.

"Rocky your mommy is on a vacation, I'm sure she misses you just as much as you miss her" I said "do you miss your mommy?" Rocket asked me as she turned towards a canvas I had of my whole family before Sammy died, "everyday" I said looking at the picture, I can't remember who took the picture but Sammy and I were full on laughing at Alec, Blaze and our dad as mom had an empty bucket in her hands and the boys were drenched from head to toe, mom was full on laughing as well. It was one of my favourite pictures of us.

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