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I'm standing in front of the bedroom mirror, I grabbed the dress I bought two days ago, and the day after my cast came off I went dress shopping with Maddi and Mal, both already had their dresses but were happy to join me shopping.

Stepping into it I pulled on the short black and white dress, strapped on my black heels and grabbed my clutch, making sure my straight hair was to perfection, I walked out of the wardrobe and out of mine and Xavier's room to find my dad, the girls, my brothers and Xavier standing there, they were all talking amongst themselves until the sound of my heels sounded causes them to quiet down and look in my direction.

"You look beautiful," the girls said together instantly running over to me and hugging me, "thank you, girls," I said standing up as my brothers walked up to me, "you look, nice sis," Blaze said giving me a side hug careful not to mess any part of me up, "ready to dance twinsie," Alec said making me chuckle before nodding, dad was next with a longing look on his face and tears in his eyes.

"God you look so much like your mother right now," he said taking a step closer, "aw dad," I said instantly wrapping my arms around him, "I love you so much," we both said together laughing sadly before pulling away, looking over to the one person who hasn't said anything I noticed he finally moved in front of me, his hands instantly going to my waist.

"Freaking hell, you look breathtaking," Xavier said, kissing me. After taking some photos quickly with everyone Xavier, Alec and I finally walked out the door and got into Xavier's car where we drove off towards prom.

As the night went on we danced, ate the dinner supplied and chatted with our friends,  classmates and occasionally the staff around.

Alec and I had just stepped away from the photographer before I was yanked back in line by Xavier who was wearing a cheesy grin.

"I am the luckiest guy ever," he said planting a kiss on my lips before we moved forward more in line, "oh really Prom King," I teased, "hey, I'm not going to be Prom King, especially if your not Prom Queen," Xavier said, "don't make me laugh Xavier, no one in their right mind would vote me," I said shaking my head before we stepped in front of the photographer.

After a few cheeky photos were snapped Xavier managed to whisk me back to the dance floor as a slow song came on.

After another two songs, the principal jumped up on stage, not literally, to announce the Prom Royalty. "Alright quiet down now," his voice coming through all speaking bouncing off the walls as he spoke into the microphone. "Now I'll keep this short as I know you all want to get back to your night. So Prom King is," he started leaving silence, "Xavier Flemming," he said making everyone clap, Xavier giving me a quick kiss before running up to join the principal on stage. 

"Alright and Prom Queen," another stretch of silence, "Gabriella Rivers," my name was announced, "called it," Alec shouted through the room making us laugh as I went to join Xavier and the principal on stage, after being crowned and instructed to take the royalty dance Xavier and I hand in hand walked off the stage and onto the dance floor instantly dancing to the slow song playing through the speakers.

"I love you Gabriella Rivers," Xavier said kissing me quickly as he spun me around.


Hi all,

I'm sorry I'm lousy with this. I don't want to just leave this story but losing inspiration, having a three year old and working isn't helping this story. I've also been writing like two or three other stories, one that can be passed in this universe...if I write the next chapters properly that is.

Lots of love and apologies for the crap chapters lately. This story probably only has a couple or so chapters remaining just to finish off at least two big plot points.


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