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Hi loves,

In this chapter I would like to give a shout out to whoever made the drawings used honestly the pictures I've used in this chapter are absolutely amazing.

Don't forget to play song attached when its mentioned.

Lots of love Jess xx




This morning I woke up to the sound of a fire alarm, I bolted out of bed grabbing my phone instantly and ran down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Alec standing over the stove that was a light with fire and a tea towel. 

"Alec" I screamed before running over to him taking the tea towel from him and pushing him away. I turned the stove off before throwing the pan he was using into the sink putting the tap water on and running over to the fire alarm waving the tea towel to stop it.

"Open a freaking window" I yelled at Alec who looked scared, he instantly ran to the window and opened it, that's when the house phone started to ring. I ran over to the phone and answered it. "This is Gabriella" I said "yeah, no sorry I've just put it out, yeah he did, okay thanks, sorry again" I said before hanging up and turning to my twin.

"You know once I move next door I won't be able to save you from this stuff, either have cereal or learn to cook" I said to Alec before running up to my room for a shower and to change for school.

Once I had changed into a pair of blue jeans, a black Minnie Mouse jumper over top of my Adidas crop top, I put my ankle boots on before tying my hair up into a bun and putting my phone in my jean pocket.

Once I was good with what I was wearing I grabbed my bag and started putting the work Maddi had brought over after school for the past few days. Yep you heard correctly, once we came back from the beach house we stayed home, Alec went back to school and Xavier went back yesterday bringing my work for me, but today being a Friday I figured I should take all my work myself. Also yesterday I was packing my things as Saturday everyone is moving me into Xavier's house, Ryder on the other hand has been sleeping on the couch in the living room.

Once I made sure I had every piece of work in my bag and had everything I needed for today I left my room and walked downstairs to find Blaze and Alec having a screaming match whilst dad cooked.

I placed my bag on the floor by the door before walking into the kitchen and grabbing an orange juice from the fridge drinking it before binning the bottle and grabbing a banana. "Thanks for saving the house Bella" dad said giving me a hug "no problem" I said before I put my rubbish away.

"You two ready for school?" Blaze asked "yeah" Alec and I said together before we said goodbye to dad and Ryder and grabbed our things leaving. We got into the car and Blaze drove off to school.

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