THIRTY ONE: Good Evening Turned Out Wrong

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* Gabriella *

Once we were dressed and ready the four of us made sure we had everything we needed before walking out of the house and getting into the car, seeing as though dads car was no longer in the driveway it was obvious he had left already.

Once we arrived at school Xavier and I helped the girls out before I grabbed my bag and took the girls hands as Xavier gave us a quick kiss on the cheek each and ran off with his duffle bag to finish getting ready for the game. The girls and I walked through the doors and into the GYM where I instantly saw dad and Blaze talking, the girls decided they wanted to sneak up on the two of them so I let them.

"Boo!" the girls shouted loud enough to actually scare dad and Blaze. "My god you two scared me," dad said with his hand over his heart as he looked at the girls, "whoops," they said shrugging their shoulders before dad took me in his arms.

As we waited the last fifteen minutes dad and Blaze found a place to sit just behind our team's bench and placed our things down, whilst I took the girls to the toilet before we walked back to the others.

Soon the opposing team 'Sharks' came out of the Away tunnel causing us to boo at them before we cheered as our team walked out. Walking over to their bench Xavier and Alec saw us and waved, Xavier giving me a quick kiss before standing next to my brother to talk about the game plan for the night.

It didn't take long before both teams had their respected players on the court, Alec and Xavier weren't too far from each other.

During the first two quarters the ball went back and forth multiple times, both teams crazy and hungry for the goals meaning by the time half time came it was 2-1, both teams were crazy sweating and crazy thirsty. After having some oranges and re-arranging the players they were back on the court to finish the last two quarters.

As the last quarter started we were officially tied, the third quarter the ball was going backwards and forth the whole time, the other team only just managed to get a goal as the buzzer was counting down from five seconds.

It was currently five minutes until the whole game finishes, it was still 2-3, the ball constantly going back and forth, right now the opposite team had the ball and was going for another goal, just as their shooter let go of the ball it was pushed away from the basket and towards Alec who took off down the court passing to Xavier and a few others before Xavier took the goal and scored causing us all to erupt.

With in the last few minutes it was tied 3-3, there are about three seconds left now and Alec had just passed the ball to Xavier who threw it instantly, it bounced on the outside of the basket ring before falling in causing us all to erupt into cheer as the buzzer went off meaning we had won the finals and the season, jumping onto the court from my seat I noticed Xavier get lifted into the air with Alec and the trophy following.

The second Xavier saw me he instantly came back to the ground and I ran over to him jumping into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck as my legs went around his waist, his hands instantly resting under my butt to hold me as I connected my lips with his.

"I'm so fucking proud of you," I said once I pulled away, a big smile gracing both our faces. "God I love it when you swear" Xavier said kissing me again before placing me on the ground and giving me another hug before pulling away only for the girls to come flying into his legs almost knocking him over, Alec joined us seconds later getting a huge hug from me whilst dad and Blaze gave him hugs as well, they gave Xavier a pat on the back before Xavier and Alec ran off with the team to shower and change.

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