THREE: The Party

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The Next Morning

I rolled over in bed to be hit by something hard, which is odd because my bed isn't near a wall. I opened my eyes to see Alec laying next to me, he was right up close to my face staring deep into my eyes which he knew I hate, I jumped back almost falling off my bed making him loose it laughing at my reaction.

I brought my hand up to my heart to try and calm down when suddenly Alec's eyes narrowed onto my arm, taking my arm in his hands I hissed as the bruise was still tender. "Austin" he growled, "Blaze!" Alec yelled "no, Alec please, not Blaze" I said pleading to which my older brother popped his head into my room.

"What's the matter?" Blaze asked walking over to us, but understood once he saw Alec holding my arm, "Austin" Blaze growled just like Alec had done before.

"What happened this time?" Blaze asked sitting next to me so I was stuck in between my brothers, "nothing boys, he didn't do anything" I said trying to get out of this "if you don't tell us I'll call dad in" Blaze said "not dad" I said, you see Blaze may be really protective and want to kill whoever hurt me, but my dad really would kill whoever hurt me.

"Well then tell us what Austin did" Blaze said "is this what Xavier stopped Austin from doing?" Alec asked me to which Blaze snapped his attention switching between Alec and I. "Who is this Xavier kid?" Blaze asked curious "new kid, moved today" Alec said to which Blaze nodded his head before turning to me, "so what happened for Austin to do this?" Blaze asked again "he wanted me to hangout with him and his friends instead of Alec my friends" I sighed looking down "and" my brother encouraged me.

"Well when I refused yesterday morning he grabbed my arm and told me I was, his grip got tighter, he was annoyed I was always hanging with you and not him. Then at lunch time he came over to try get me to follow him but I wouldn't to which he started tightening his grip before Xavier walked over and practically ripped Austin's hand off mine, somehow being gently with my arm, he stood in front of me to hide me from Austin and told him to leave me alone, he looked at my arm and instantly took me to the nurses office" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Well I'm glad he did that, definitely a point in my book" Blaze said once he had registered everything I had explained "alright, we won't tell dad this time, but if he does it again I'm telling him, now get ready for school" Blaze said getting off my bed, I nodded at them both before getting off my bed and walking into my wardrobe, I changed into a pair of black ripped jeans and a black butterfly loose midriff shirt, I paired it with a pair of ballet flats and grabbed one of my many shoulder bags.

I walked into my bathroom and applied some waterproof foundation to the bruise before leaving my room and heading downstairs for breakfast.

In the kitchen was everyone waiting for me. "Morning daddy" I said walking over to him, dad kissed my forehead "morning Princess" he said before he sat down next to Alec at the table, Blaze handed me my breakfast and noticed how there was no bruise, I walked over to the table and sat down to eat.

After I had finished eating Alec and I made sure we had everything before us three left for the school.

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