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It's Tuesday, exams are officially behind us and we're just waiting on results, I've been receiving some college letters but I haven't opened them yet as I'm nervous, prom is meant to be this Friday night and I haven't gotten a dress or a ticket yet, god I hope there's a ticket left.

I get out of bed, exhausted. My ribs no longer hurt, but my arm is still a little sensitive.

Walking into the bathroom, I wrap my cast into a bag and jump into the shower.

Getting out, I put my dressing gown on and start trying to dry my hair. Hearing movement coming from the other side of the door before Xavier's head poked in.

"Morning," he said before walking in and grabbing my towel to continue doing my hair, making me sigh at how good his fingers felt on my head. "How're you feeling?" He asked softly, "My ribs are fine but my arm still slightly hurts," I said, "How's your head?" He asked looking at me through the mirror, "doesn't hurt," I said, he narrowed his eyes trying to see if I was lying before kissing my head and grabbing my blow dryer.

Once my hair was dried he put it into a simple ponytail before his arms went around my fluffy dressing gown. His right hand slipped through the gap and landed on my bare skin making me gasp at the contact.

"Should probably get changed," I managed to say making him nod with a cheeky smirk as I walked out of the bathroom and into our wardrobe.

It took me a bit but I managed to pull on my underwear and jeans before Xavier walked in, eyes instantly going to my bare chest, both of us frozen in place as I usually have my back to him when he helps with my bra.

Clearing his throat he walks over to me, I turn around putting my arms through the straps, I feel him softly grab the straps, his warm hands touching my back as he connected them before his hands went to my waist.

"Let's not go to school," Xavier said his fingers tracing shapes on my waist as he kissed my shoulder, "we've barely got two weeks of school left," I said making him groan before nodding and letting me go, I grabbed a crop button up and slid it on with Xavier buttoning it for me per his request.

After throwing on my Converse we were walking out of our room with our bags and making our way to the kitchen where the girls were eating breakfast.

"Morning," I said grabbing something to eat before joining the girls. "How're you feeling today Gabby?" Rocket asked me, "A lot better, just got slight pain in my arm," I said smiling at her.

After we had all finished eating we grabbed our things before getting Alec and driving off to do school drop-off.

Once we got to school the three of us got out and made our way inside, I stopped by my locker with Xaiver standing beside me.

"When do you get the cast off?" Alec asked me, "the doctor said after graduation, but I've got to go see him after school today," I said making them both look at me worried, "he has to give the all clear for prom," I said making them both nod.

I'm currently on my way to fourth period, which would usually be P.E. but since my arm is still healing I've been instructed by the doctors to sit out the rest of the year, which is annoying since school is over next Monday with it being graduation and there's no school work left to do. Thankfully I do get to help out and depending on what the class is doing I can join. I can usually do the run with them although I have to walk it, which I don't mind. 

Coach has also given me the all-clear to listen to my music during his class, so if I'm outside I'm generally just listening to music or messaging Xavier. 

Walking to join everyone on the oval I notice archery set up, frowning I take a seat on the grass put my earphones in and press play on my playlist.

"Hazel," I heard my name, I looked up just as Coach sat next to me on the ground, taking my earphones out and making sure my music was on pause I gave Coach my attention. "How are you doing?" he asked, "I'm alright, really annoyed this has happened to me," I said, "yeah, I get that. I was in my second year of University when I broke my leg, it hasn't been the same since and has stopped me from playing," he said, "mind me asking how long ago that was?" I asked curiously, "about six years ago," Coach said, making sense since he looked middle 20s. 

"Oh wow, I really hope I don't have this pain in six years," I say, "it depends on how careful and how much care you put towards it," he said making me nod my head before he got up and went back to class.

I sat there a little longer before the bell rang and I stood up, I made my way towards my locker putting everything away since I no longer bring anything to change into as I'm not doing P.E.

Making my way towards the office I walked inside and up to the reception. "Yes?" one of the ladies asked, "I was just wondering if there were any more tickets to prom left?" I asked hopefully, "No, I'm sorry the last one went yesterday," they said before looking up eyes widening a little, "didn't Xavier..." she started, "Didn't Xavier what?" I asked, "nothing to worry about," she said before going back to her work.

All through lunch I couldn't focus. I kept thinking back to what Coach had told me, I hope I'm going to be alright in the future. "You okay?" Xavier asked wrapping his arm around me, "yeah," I said giving him a small smile, and he copied me before getting back into his conversation with my brother.

After school I made my way to Xavier's car, once getting the girls he dropped Alec and the girls off before driving me to my appointment.

"Gabriella Rivers," I heard my name being called five minutes after signing in, Xavier and I both stood up and followed her into the office. "Afternoon you two, how's things been Gabriella?" she asked, "good, my ribs no longer hurt, my arm is fine just hurts in the morning," I tell her earning a smile, "why don't we see how your arm is?" she asked making me smile nodding my head.

I followed her into the X-ray room and sat down letting her do what she needed. Within ten minutes we were back in her room with Xavier as she was fixing the X-ray to the lightbox on her wall, after inspecting it for a few minutes she turned to me with a smile. "Your cast can come off today," she said instantly getting a large smile from me, "Are you serious? Not pulling a joke on me?" I asked, "I'm serious," she said before she left the room to get everything sorted.

"Alright copy me," the doctor said once my arm was finally cast free. I copied her movements and after she did a few more tests Xavier and I were walking out the door and towards the car heading home.

Once we get home Xavier and I walk into the house, both the girls are watching Frozen with Alec. "How'd it go?" Alec asked, holding my arm up, "no way, I thought it was coming off next week?" Alec said running over to me, "so did I," I said, "how does it feel?" he asked, "weird, it feels weird," I said with a small smile.

"Right well I'm going to head home, I'll see you tomorrow," Alec said fist-bumping me before leaving.

I made my way into the bedroom and placed my stuff down. I looked at myself in the mirror moving my arm around and inspecting the stitches that go up almost my full arm. "You look beautiful," Xavier said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my shoulder, "really, I find that hard to believe," I said. Feeling movement I turned to the side just in time to see Xavier holding out tickets to the prom, moving his fingers to show two tickets.

"Really?" I asked, "I've had the tickets for a week, I had a different way of asking but I couldn't hold it in anymore," Xavier said, looking into his eyes the biggest smile appeared on my face, I reached up and kissed him, hands instantly going to my waist pulling me as close as possible.


It may currently be my birthday but you get a double update. 

Not much remaining of the story so maybe three to four chapters unless I think of something else that needs to be added.

Enjoy my loves

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