SIX: Matching & Funday

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The Next Morning

I woke up and looked at my alarm clock. 8:30am, I groaned and got out of bed, I walked out of my room. "Your back" I heard Blaze say as I walked past his room making me stop and turn to walk into his room. "Yeah we got back after 1 this morning, Xavier and the girls are in dad's room since he's away for a few days. His mom and that guy are locked up for alcohol and drug use" I explained, "okay, were you guys going to school?" Blaze asked "no, the officer emailed our principals excusing us" I said "okay, did you want me to make you guys breakfast? I've got to get ready for work but I can make something quickly" Blaze asked "no it's okay, I can cook us breakfast, thank you again for last night" I said giving my brother a hug "of course, I've got to go, see you after work" Blaze said before putting on his shoes and grabbing his phone, keys and wallet putting them in his pocket before leaving the house.

I walked over to my dads room and took a deep breath before knocking. "Come in" I heard Xavier say on the other side, I opened the door to see he was in the middle of the bed, Willow was asleep with her head on his stomach whilst Rocket was asleep with her head resting on his neck between his chest and chin.

"Morning" Xavier said softly once he noticed it was me, "morning, how'd you all sleep?" I asked closing the door behind me "alright, considering I woke up like this" Xavier said making me nod my head.

Suddenly Rocket moved falling off Xavier letting him take a deep breath of air, he carefully moved Willow onto the bed next to Rocket who instantly cuddled up to her, Xavier carefully got off the bed so he didn't wake the girls before walking over to me.

I smiled at him. "I was about to make some breakfast, want anything?" I asked "pancakes?" he asked "sure" I said and turned to walk out the door but not before my hand was caught by Xavier's pulling me back.

"Thank you" he said his face close enough for me to smell his minty breath, damn it, he didn't even get bad morning breath, that's just uncool. I could feel my heart beating faster each second we stayed like this, it took everything in me to pull away.

"Uh, I'm, I'm going to get started on pancakes" I said trying to form sentences before rushing out of the bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen.

Once I was in the kitchen I grabbed my moms recipe book and flipped to the chocolate chip pancakes before I started getting everything I needed out.

I was halfway through making the second batch when I heard two soft voices fighting amongst each other, I turned around to see Willow and Rocket fighting over what they wanted to do today. "Ice skating" Rocket said "Carnival" Willow fought back, "morning girls" I said making them both look at me "morning" they said before turning back to one another and continuing.

"Girls stop being rude" Xavier's voice came from the kitchen entrance where he stood in yesterday's clothes, "I can take you back to your moms after breakfast if you'd like to change" I said once Xavier walked over to me stealing a pancake from the tower that was forming, "sure, thanks" he said before squeezing my shoulder and walking over to the girls making them stop.

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