EIGHTEEN: Misunderstanding

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A Few Weeks Later

Xavier and I are been closer than ever, Austin came back to school a few days ago and to say he hated Xavier was an understatement as you could clearly see it whenever they caught each other looking, Xavier never left my side except for our separate classes which he always walked me to and some how got to my class before I was let out, how I don't know he wouldn't tell me.

My dad was now at home every day after school and we had all gotten back to how we were, dad always watched the girls whilst Blaze and I went to Alec and Xavier's basketball game every Friday night before we all came back to mine and celebrated and had our own sleepover.

Xavier's mom still had roughly 4/5 months left in jail, I occasionally hear Xavier crying about his past or swearing his head off at the smallest things he'd do linking them to his mom.

Today happened to be a Wednesday, it also happened to be a couple days until I turned 19. At this very moment I was walking into the school with Xavier and my little group, Xavier was talking to the boys about the game coming up and Mal, Maddi and I were just chatting about a few things.

"I'll see you in class sis" Alec said messing with my hair before walking off with Elijah and Jason, leaving Maddi, Jesse, Xavier, Mallory and myself at my locker, "don't you all have your own lockers?" I asked "I'll go soon" Xavier said slipping his arm around my waist as he looked down into my eyes, the bright blue looking back at me, "we were literally just leaving" Maddi said before they all left leaving Xavier and I alone to look into each others eyes.

All I could see was bright blue eyes, I couldn't hear or see anything but them and even though I could feel my body starting to alight with fire around my waist I didn't move, I was frozen in my place looking into those bright blue eyes, I felt a soft hand come into contact with my cheek and a thumb rub over it, I felt myself leaning in and I noticed the blue getting closer and brighter, but just as I felt his hot breath fan against my lips the siren rang startling us as we pulled away.

I looked away blushing as I grabbed my bag and closed the locker shut. "I'll, uh, see you" I said and quickly rushed off leaving Xavier at my locker.

I can't believe that happened, I almost kissed Xavier Flemming, the boy who had turned into my best friend. I took a deep breath as I ran my hand through my hair that I had left out.

I walked into the classroom to see the girls staring at me and giggling, I walked over to them and sat down stopping them. "So did you finally kiss?" Maddi asked me, instantly making me blush, "n-no" I said blushing "oh my god you did, our little Gabby is growing up" Maddi said "shut up, we didn't kiss" I said and put my head on my desk covering myself with my arms.

"Almost" I felt a pair of hands on my back as Xavier's voice filled my ears, I sat up and turned to look at him to see an amused smirk resting on his face, this just caused me to hide my face again hoping no one would see me blushing, "I know your blushing love" I heard Xavier add before squeezing my shoulders before he removed them.

"Did I just hear Xavier right? You almost kissed" Maddi asked me, I turned my head so I was facing her and gave her a shy smile "ohmygod" Maddi squealed gaining everyone's attention making me shove my reddening face into hiding again whilst I heard Xavier chuckle.

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