NINE: The Truth

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Once we arrived at Gabriella's house I turned my car off before helping the girls out who instantly ran to the front door and I grabbed my backpack locking the car up and following after the girls and opened the front door allowing the girls inside.

"Girls kitchen table to do homework" I said "okay Xav" both girls said before running into the kitchen with their backpacks. I was about to join them when I heard my name being called from the living room, I turned around to see Gabriella, her dad and both her brothers, I took a deep breath and walked into the room and over to Gabriella's dad.

"Hello sir, I'm Xavier Flemming" I introduced myself to Gabriella's dad putting my hand out for a shake, he took my hand and shook it, "Xavier, I'm Matt Rivers, these three's dad" Mr Rivers introduced himself.

"Now from what Gabriella has told me, your needing a place to stay whilst you figure out what to do as your mother is in jail for the year, is this correct?" Mr Rivers asked me "yes sir, I found out the house we were living in when we moved here last week belonged to one of my moms former flings who was abusive, he's in jail currently as well. I'm just trying to figure out where myself and the girls can go as I don't have enough money to pay for the other house for the year" I explained.

"Right, well would you ever go back to that house?" Mr Rivers asked me "no sir, if it was up to me I wouldn't allow the girls inside ever again" I said "so can you explain to me just how bad this guy is" Mr Rivers asked me "after my father died he somehow managed to make my mom fall for him, they were together for about 6 months before he cheated on her, he was always under the influence of alcohol and drugs even if he promised and told mom he wasn't, he was abusive towards me and with the girls being only a year old I didn't let him anywhere near them and took all the beatings" I explained.

"Right, well since your mom is put away and you won't go back to the house have you thought about moving out and say finding a different house for you and the girls?" Mr Rivers asked me "no sir, that hadn't come across my mind" I said "well how about you go see you mom and let her know what your doing, take Gabriella if you need to and I'll watch the girls" Mr Rivers said "really? You'd watch the girls for me?" I asked "of course, I'm not letting them inside prison to see their mom the way she is" Mr Rivers said "thank you so much sir" I said "it's fine, and please call me Matt" Mr Rivers asked.

I nodded my head before Gabriella walked over to me and offered me her hand, I smiled at her and took it before telling the girls we'd be back shortly and to listen to Gabriella's dad to which they agreed.

Once in my car we left for the prison. 

An hour later I pulled into the parking lot and parked my car before getting out and meeting Gabriella at the front of my car before we walked into the entrance of the building.

"Hello sir, ma'am what can I help you with?" a lady asked behind the desk "we've come to visit my mother Alice Flemming" I said "just fill this out for me" she said handing us a clipboard of visitor names. I put my name down and signed it before handing it to Gabriella who did the same before a security guard walked us over to the security part of it, we put our valuables in the bucket and walked through before getting our things and following the security guard again.

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