TWENTY THREE: Mom's Birthday

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The Next Morning

I woke up to someone jumping on me, which hurt more than usual because Tyler and I were cuddled up on the couch with what looked like 'Full House' playing on the TV. Tyler and I let out a groan as I noticed it was the girls jumping that had jumped on us, I looked over to see Xavier, my brothers and dad standing there, Xavier looked really hurt.

Standing up dad instantly ran over to me taking me in his arms holding me tight. "You scared the crap out of me Gabriella" dad whispered to me "I'm sorry" I said feeling my voice crack at the end, we pulled away and Blaze and Alec ran over to me wrapping their arms around me, "please don't scare us like that again, we were so scared when we realised your phone was still in the living room" Blaze said "please don't do that again" Alec simply said before we pulled away from one another to see Xavier and Ryder standing next to one another looking at us.

After staring at each other for a really long time, well it felt like it was, I felt someone take me in their arms, I noticed Ryder was no longer standing next to Xavier and tensed knowing it was my step brother hugging me. I didn't make any effort to hug him back and Blaze must've caught on because he pulled Ryder off me. 

I instantly turned towards Tyler who was watching us all and walked over to him taking his hand in mine and pulling him outside with me and over to mom and Sammy's rock and sat down.

"Help me mom" I whispered looking into the sky, in the corner of my right eye I noticed Alec and Blaze sit down, I was surrounded with whom I considered my brothers, not what dad or blood considered my brothers.

"Why'd this have to happen? Why did he have to get sent here?" I asked barely a whisper "I don't know Ariel" Tyler said wrapping his arm around me, I leaned into his side before I felt Alec lean into me and Blaze take my hand, "I promise Gabby, no matter what you will never lose us" Blaze said "and I'm never going to let you out of my life, your my twin I'd be ruined without you" Alec said looking at me I looked back at him and placed my head on his shoulder.

"What should I do guys?" I asked the three of them "like I told you last night Ariel, it's completely up to you" Tyler said "anyway I'm going to go check up on Milkyway" Tyler said kissing my cheek before getting up and walking off, I felt Blaze take Tyler's spot leaving me in between my actual brothers.

"Gabby have you told Xavier about Tyler and his closeness to the family?" Blaze asked me "no, why?" I asked "that'll explain why he's been hurt since Tyler told us you were together last night and when we woke you both up" Blaze said "you need to tell him Gabby, he thinks your cheating on him" Alec added, "want to send him out then" I said, they nodded and both kissed my cheeks before leaving me.

A few minutes later I felt someone take a seat next to me. "How can you hurt me like this?" Xavier asked his voice breaking at the end "I swear I'm not cheating on you..." I started "sure doesn't look like it, so far every time I've seen you out of school your with that Tyler guy" Xavier said hurt lacing his every word.

"Would you let me finish" I said, "Tyler has been apart of our family since Alec and I were 3, we were neighbours growing up and did absolutely everything together. After Sammy died we were all closer than you'd think, I'd always make sure him and his family came with us when we came up here, then when mom died we kind of lost touch, myself and my brothers threw ourselves into our hobbies way too much forgetting about Tyler and his family and our step brother."

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