TWELVE: Grandparents

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Well today happens to be Friday, we were all supposed to be leaving after school today for the trip with Gabriella but knowing I had the girls I couldn't. My Aunt and Uncle tried contacting me yesterday during school to see where we had gone but I wouldn't say.

The only people I can really count on is my dad's parents and Gabriella's family.

I had just gotten the girls ready for school and was making them lunch when my phone rang, I looked at the caller to see it was, well my dad's parents.

"Hey Ozzie" I said answering the phone "Xavier, my boy how are you?" my granddad asked me "doing alright, yourself?" I asked "I've been good, is your mom around? She won't answer my calls" granddad asked "about that, mom is in jail for the year" I said "what'd she do?" granddad asked, he knew mom was a nurse but he also knew she had a bad past.

"She moved us into Ethan's house without us kids knowing, mom was at work and he came home, I took the girls to my friends house and we've been staying there until recently when I got us a new house near our schools. She was found with alcohol and drugs in her system and, Ozzie I think she killed dad" I explained "what?" granddad asked when he heard the last part.

"Well I remember the night the fire happened, I went to go back in to get dad and Zara but she stopped me before I could making me watch the house go up in flames" I said "oh buddy, I'm sorry you had to see her like this" granddad said "it's alright, I've got the girls to watch over" I said "excuse me a second" I said before pulling away from the phone.

"Girls you ready?" I called through the house "yes" both of the girls said walking in with their bags all ready for today, "good, say hi to Granddad Oscar" I said handing them the phone with it on loud speaker as I put their lunches in their bags, "hi granddad Ozzie" the girls said into the phone "hello my angels, how are you? Is Xavier taking good care of you?" Granddad asked "he is" Rocket said smiling at me.

"Look Xavier, Grandma want to catch up with you guys this weekend, is that possible?" Granddad asked me, I took the phone from the girls and took it off speaker, "it should be, I mean I was going to go away with some friends for the weekend but because of everything going on I'll be at home with the girls instead" I said "oh, how about Gran and I come and visit and stay at yours for the weekend and watch the girls whilst you go with your friends?" Granddad asked me "are you sure?" I asked him "of course, your still a teenager yourself, you need to have fun with your friends, when are you leaving?" he asked me "after school today" I said helping the girls into the car.

"Well how about I come to yours after school and then you can leave with your friends" Granddad suggested "sure, I'll let the girls know" I said "thanks Ozzie" I said smiling "no problem kiddo, see you all later" Granddad said before we hung up.

I started the car up before driving to the primary school. "Alright girls, guess what, Granddad Oscar and Grandma Paris are going to be looking after you this weekend" I said pulling into the school "where will you be?" Rocket asked me "I'm going to go for a sleepover with Gabriella and her friends" I said "is that okay?" I asked them both as I stopped in a parking spot "yes" both girls said "okay cool, I'll be here to pick you up after school though" I said as we got out of the car and to the drop off area, we said our goodbyes before I was back in the car and on the way to high school.

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