FOURTEEN: Fatherly Advice

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"You okay Gabby?" I heard my twin brother ask me for what seemed like the 100th time in half an hour.

- An Hour Earlier -

The second I woke up I had a strange feeling something had happened over night. I got out of bed and walked out of my room glancing at Xavier's door across from mine wondering if I should go talk to him.

Deciding against it I walked down the stair and into the kitchen to see everyone else eating their breakfast, I quickly grabbed some toast and eggs and started eating.

10 minutes later and Xavier still hasn't joined us, I was definitely starting to worry. After excusing myself I quickly put my dishes in the sink before walking up the stairs and over to Xavier's room.

Once outside his assigned room I knocked on his door.


I knocked again and got the same response.

Taking a deep breath I walked into his room to see all his things were gone and a pad of paper sitting on his made bed. I walked over to the bed picking up the paper and read the one word he had written.


I re-read it over and over again until my eyes started to water as I realised that Xavier had left in the middle of the night.

"Gabby" Blaze's voice snapped my out of my thoughts, I turned around to see my brother looking confused at me, I walked over to him handing the paper over before walking out of the room past all the curious glances everyone was giving me and into mine closing and locking my door.

For the next 15 minutes everyone tried to get me to open my door whilst all I did was shower, change and packed my things ready for home.

Once my things were all packed I unlocked my door and walked out with my things to see both Blaze and Alec sitting on the ground outside my room both looking up to see me. 

"Excuse me" was all I said as I walked past them both instantly making them jump up from their sitting position and running after me. "Are you okay?" Alec asks me, I nod my head not wanting to talk as I made my way down the stairs with the both of them trailing behind me continuously asking if I was okay and claiming they were going to kill Xavier.

Once I reached the front door I stopped and turned to my brothers and everyone else that decided to watch. "Shut up!" I screamed out making everyone flinch, "I don't want to hear anymore sympathy shit alright, I'm fine if you really must know. I'll be waiting for you all, if your not out in 10 minutes I'm taking a taxi home" I yelled causing them to drop their mouths before I walked outside slamming the door shut behind me.

I walked over to Blaze's car and placed my things beside it before walking over to a nearby forest like area and continued walking until I was by the shore and back at the rocks where my mom and sister were.

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