TWENTY SIX: An Almost Fight

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Hi loves,

Sorry it's taken forever for this chapter to come out. Ive had this and a few other chapters on standby but completely forgot about the story as I've been working on a few others.

Sorry to have made you wait so long but here is another chapter for you.

Hope you enjoy it,

Lots of love Jess xx




It's been roughly three or so days since I've moved in with Xavier and the girls, I haven't caught Ryder since Saturday when I moved in either.

Right now I was sitting in photography, we had a small test to do on the computers about photoshop, so far I was halfway through it and we were only about 13 minutes into the hour lesson.

Half an hour later I had finished my test and was just waiting with a couple other students, we had been told to pack our things and sit by the door until the siren rang for lunch.

As soon as the siren went I ran out of the room and over to my locker where Xavier was standing waiting. Ever since yesterday he hasn't been waiting for me outside of my classes, he's been in his own classes since this was our last week to get everything done and handed in by Thursday.

"Hi love, how was the test?" Xavier asked when I stopped in front of him "easy, finished it before half the class" I said shrugging my shoulders as I opened my locker and put my things inside before shutting it and turning to Xavier who took my hand in his, "how about yours?" I asked "good, I suppose," Xavier said shrugging as we walked into the cafeteria.

Once in the cafeteria I walked over to the table whilst Xavier went for food. "So how do you think you did?" Maddi asked me the second I sat down, "well I finished it before everyone else" I said shrugging my shoulders "you've got math next don't you?" Alec asked me as he sat down next to Mallory, "yeah" I said before the seat beside me was taken, the familiar smell of the woodsy cologne that I've lived with for the past few days.

"Lunch is served," Xavier said placing our tray in between us before tossing my brother a sandwich today, "where's the muffin or cookies?" Alec asked Xavier "you want one go get one" Xavier simply said before he picked up his burger and started eating, I leaned up and kissed his cheek before taking my sandwich and eating that.

After we had finished our lunch we were just talking until class, which just so happened to be with Mr Oliver. Alec, Xavier and I all walked into class and sat down in our usual seats.

"Alright take one and pass it back and get to work, you know the deal," Mr Oliver said after he walked in handing everyone in the front work packages just as the siren went.

As I started working on the package I felt my side be poked, I looked to find Xavier looking at me with a small smile on his face as he watched me before pouting and pointing at his work, I stifled a laugh and leaned over to help him out.

As usual, by the time we could pack away I was finished with Xavier finishing just a question after me and Alec about 5 minutes later. "Gabby your such a nerd" Alec said sitting on my desk "no I just pay attention" I said "I do" Alec whined defending himself, I gave him a look just as Mr Oliver spoke up, "Mr Rivers, please be quiet there are some students still trying to finish their work" Mr Oliver said looking at Alec with a look that instantly made him get off my desk and into his own making me and Xavier look at one another and chuckle quietly.

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