TWO: First Day of School - Part TWO

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After switching some books out that I didn't need I walked down the hall to my next class and got in just in time. I sat down in the middle and started did my best to pay attention.

After class I left for my next one which was my last proper class for the day before I had lunch and PE at the end of the day.

I walked in and before I even managed to get to a seat a blonde chick stopped in front of me with makeup filled face making me scrunch my eyes in disgust.

"Hi, your Xavier, I'm Alice, let's get together tonight and get to know one another" Alice said way too sweetly, "uh, I'm sorry busy tonight" I said trying to step around her "yes I know, with me" Alice said, "nope, not with you" I said before pushing her out of my way to get to my seat.

After class I walked to my locker to put my things away before walking to the cafeteria with just my wallet in my pocket.

I brought myself some lunch and went and sat down with Gabriella and the others. "So I hear you turned down Alice" Elijah said catching everyone's attention, "really man? Wow no one has ever turned Alice down" Jesse said "well I have things to do this afternoon" I said simply shrugging my shoulders and ate my food.

After awhile the bell rang and I left for the GYM. Once at the GYM I went and changed into a pair of shorts and tank.

I walked into the GYM to see the guys. I walked over to them giving the boys high fives and fist bumps.

After class finished it was time to go home. I walked with the guys out to the front and said goodbye before making my way to my car, getting in I left the school and drove towards the primary school where I got out and walked over to where we had to pick the kids up from.

Soon the bell rang and the kids walked out of their classrooms, they grabbed their backpacks before looking around for whoever was taking them home.

Only a couple minutes of waiting half of the pick up crew had gone home. Suddenly I see my sisters run towards the gate with smiles and their backpacks on.

"Xav" both girls said running over to me "Rocky, Willz, how was school?" I asked bending down to give them hugs before standing up and taking their hands, "good, guess what Xavier?" Rocket said excitedly "what?" I asked smiling at her eagerness "I made a new friend today, his name is Rylee, he shared his chocolate cake with me" Rocket said smiling and using her spare hand waving it around, "no way, was it yummy?" I asked her trying to match her excitement "yes, he's so nice too" Rocket said smiling "well I'm to meet him before you two get married" I said "ew, no" Rocket said making me laugh.

"How about you Willz?" I asked looking at my other sister, "good, I also made a new friend, Dove, her mommy gave her two cupcakes and she gave me one" Willow said "wow, that was nice of her, was it yummy?" I asked with a smile "so yummy, you should've had some" Willow said making me chuckle, "how about we make some when we get home?" I offered the girls "really?" both girls asked me as we got to the car.

"Of course, that is if we've got the ingredients though" I said opening the car door and helping the girls in. After making sure they were strapped in I got in myself in and drove off home.

Once we got home 15 minutes later there was a truck parked on the side of the house and what looked like my Aunt and Uncle's car in the driveway, mom wasn't home yet so they were outside talking to one another.

I pulled into the driveway opening the garage parking in one of the parking spots. I got out helping the girls out and making sure they had their bags before letting them into the house through the garage door to which they ran to their rooms, I grabbed my bag and closed my door before walking over to everyone still out by the truck.

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