FIVE: Taken

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I walked through the kitchen and could hear someone walking up the stairs. I poked my head through to see it was a guy like figure. "Stop where you are" I said the person froze for a second before they made a run for it upstairs, I took off into a sprint and followed them up the stairs, they ran all the way to Rocket's room and tried closing the door on me but I shoved my foot in the way stopping them, I pushed on the door opening it up and walked in.

I switched the light on to see it was my Ethan, my mom's boyfriend after dad died, I hated his guts. "What the fuck do you want?" I yelled at him "where is everyone? What are you doing here?" Ethan asked like he owned this place "none of your business, why are you in my house?" I asked pissed off "this is my house Xavier" Ethan said "no it's not" I said "you guys just moved here the other day didn't you?" Ethan asked me "how do you know that?" I asked "because your mom needed a place to live, I said you guys could live here with me" Ethan said "why'd you run?" I asked him "I thought it was a killer, I wanted to make sure the girls were okay" he said "piss off with your caring, where is my mom?" I said "she's at work still, where are the girls?" Ethan asked "in my room" I said "you don't have a room here" Ethan said "yes I do" I said "no I've only got these three rooms up here" Ethan said.

"Basement" I said "ha, your mom moved you to the basement, she must be embarrassed of you" Ethan said "shut up, you don't know anything" I said "more than you think kid" Ethan said. I glared at him before walking downstairs and towards the basement where Rocket and Willow were talking Gabriella's ear off, I closed the door behind me and walked over to the three girls.

"Can we come back to yours for a while?" I asked Gabriella "uh yeah sure, I'll give Blaze a call" Gabriella said before she walked over to the other side of my room dialling her brother.

"Xav what's going on?" Rocket asked me "we're going to go to Gabriella's house while we wait for mommy to finish work" I said before running upstairs packing a bag of things we'd need before running back to the girls. "The boys are fine with it" Gabriella said when I walked in "thanks, come on girls" I said.

We walked out to the car and I quickly threw the girls car seats into Gabriella's car making sure they were in securely before putting the girls in and then letting Gabriella drive us home to hers.

Once we got to Gabriella's house I got the girls out before we walked into her house. "Alright girls go sit on the couch and watch TV, I need to talk to Gabriella and her brothers" I said to which the girls nodded and walked off to the couch, I walked into the kitchen with Gabriella and her brothers behind me.

"So what's happened?" Blaze asked, "my mom was at work and her ex boyfriend who treated us like crap was in the house, he said the house was apparently his and he had offered mom and the girls a place to stay there and she put me in the basement. Anyway I don't like or trust him so I brought the girls back here, it's just going to be until my mom finishes work" I said "I'm so sorry, I understand if you don't want us to stay" I said "mate don't be crazy, if that was the same with us I know you wouldn't throw us out, stay the night or however long you need to" Blaze said I thanked him before we walked out of the kitchen and over to the girls.

"Girls this is Blaze and Alec they are Gabriella's brothers, and boys this is Rocket and Willow my younger sisters" I said introducing them all to one another, they waved at each other before we all sat down and continued watching Harry Potter.

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