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I remember the first time he spoke to me.

I had just turned sixteen, I was a junior in high school, and I wasn't noticed by anyone. I wasn't popular, I wasn't anything special, I was just an ordinary girl that had a normal life.

I didn't know it at the time, but that all changed the day he spoke to me.

At the time he was rude, selfish, egotistical, and a player. He was whole heartedly the worst person in our school.

That changed too.

I remember exactly what I was wearing that day. I was so excited because my dad had finally bought me a new outfit. I wore practically hand me downs my entire life. I think I've only ever owned something of my own once. I was so excited, to the point where I laid my outfit out the night before.

That's when you know.

And when I stepped out of the car at seven thirty in the morning I was surprisingly thrilled to be at school. Which didn't happen often. I'm not a morning person, nor will I ever be. But dressing up in new low-rise jeans, a specific sweatshirt that had a 'J' hanging off the zipper, and a pink tank top made me feel better than ever.

"A new sweatshirt?" One of my best friends Jaeda greets me. Her lips hang ajar as she stares down at me with her big pretty blue eyes. "Why didn't I get invited to the mall trip? You know I'm a complete slut for the mall."

"I went with my dad," I say with a smile. "Don't tell Jake though. He'd be pissed if he found out that I'm the favorite child."

"I heard that," Jake says as he appears from the other side of the truck. We were supposed to share the car, considering we got it as a gift for our birthday. "You're not the favorite. That's why I got the car."

"We share the car," I tell him with a glare. Just like we share everything else.

"We don't." He really likes to think that. "I'm not arguing with you this early in the morning."

"Cause you know you'll lose," I smile sweetly at him.

"Shut up Josie." You see, I could argue with Jake all day long. Simply because pissing him off is probably one of my favorite things to do. He gets angry so easily that it's almost easy.

"You shut up Jake. You don't know shit."

He sends me a look before walking away towards Embry and his younger sister. She waves at us, completely ignoring Jake who happened to walk by at the same time she left.

"Hey guys," Eden smiles. "Josie, is that a new sweatshirt?"


"—It's a juicy couture sweatshirt," Jaeda tells her. "It's so in right now, and we could've worn them on the same day if you told me that you were planning on wearing it."

"I think I'd have to pass on that one," I tell her with a laugh. She smiles. "We can save the matching for Halloween, how's that?"

"We have to start planning. That's already so soon!" It wasn't. But Jaeda loves to plan.

We start to walk towards the school, Jaeda going on and on about Halloween. I go to tune her out a bit about all the parties she was talking about going to. Catching something here and there about how we only have two years left together so we have to make everything count.

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