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Paul Lahote

"Are you ever going to tell her?" Jared asks, for the millionth time.

I give him an annoyed look. It wasn't any of his business to ask that. But yet he still managed to ask me at least once a week.

"Are you ever going to shut up?" I ask him, rolling my eyes in the process. I hear Embry chuckle next to me.

"It's just a question man," Jared says, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why do you have a stick shoved up your ass today?"

"Just today?" Embry mumbles.

I give him a look. I just wanted to go home. I didn't want to waste my time on patrol when I could be talking to Josie. Or laying in my bed thinking about Josie. Not jogging around aimlessly.

Speaking of I wonder what she was doing right now.

"I don't want to be here," I say plainly. "Sam flung this last minute patrol on us like we're his damn bitches. Why the fuck couldn't he do it?"

"What else did you possibly have going on?" Jared asks. "Stalking Josie?"

"Wha—You stalk her?" Embry asks.

"Shut up," I snap at Jared. "I don't stalk her. I check in on her, there's a difference. Don't pretend like you don't do it either with Kim."

Jared doesn't say anything, so I know I was right. It's the job of the imprinter to check in.

"That's mad weird. You guys just hang outside their houses?" Embry asks, judgment clearly lacing his voice.

Is he trying to get on my nerves today?

I could feel my anger starting to bubble up inside. It usually wasn't too long after until I snapped. But he should know that by now.

"You wouldn't get it considering you don't actually have an imprint," I snap at him.

"Shut the fuck up Paul," He barks back at me.

A smirk grows on my lips as I realize I've hit a sensitive spot. Maybe that's why he's been such a baby lately. He's biter that he doesn't have a person, like Jared and I do.

"Feeling sensitive today?" I tease further.

"Easy," Jared warns me. He looks over at Embry. "Don't poke the bear. We have a vampire to catch, I don't feel like getting screamed at by Sam if we don't do our jobs. I'm in a good mood."

"Has he even seen this vampire? What the hell does she look like?" Embry asks.

"No idea," Jared says.

"So does she even exist?"

"Sam is never wrong. So if it's here we'll know, besides you'll be able to sense it. And it's our job to stop it from doing anymore killing."

My eyes flash over to Embry, to watch him shake his head in disbelief.

"You don't think I know that?" He mutters under his breath.

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