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I hated my birthday.

There wasn't any particular reason why. But, every year it came around and the feelings were always the same too.

This year I was seventeen. And before I turned nine I loved my birthday. I looked forward to it every year, but since my mom passed things have been different. She always knew how to make it extra special, especially when we lived in a small house with four other people. I've shared everything with them my entire life, but that one day, even if it was for five minutes of just us, she knew how to make it special.

But now that's gone, and it has been for quite some time.

Jaeda made it a little less miserable this morning, she brought me coffee and a peanut butter cookie from our favorite shop in town. After school dragged by, I wanted to bang my head against my locker. But instead I just decided to open the door, a note falling out in the process.

I look over my shoulder before picking the piece of paper off the ground. In tiny, boyish handwriting, the note read: 'there's a surprise for you out front'.

Knowing immediately who it was from, a small smile light up my face. I grab the binders that I needed, keeping in mind what was due tomorrow. And after I shove everything into my backpack, I close the door and walk toward the front doors.

Jake and I's truck was sitting in the same spot it had been parked this morning. Although there was a dozen red roses on the hood of the car. My smile grew as I picked up the bouquet of flowers, and held them to my nose. I don't think I've ever gotten flowers from a boy before. I spot another note underneath the roses, picking it up to read.

'turn around'

To which I do, noticing that Paul was already parked out front. He beeps the horn twice, waving me over to him. I smile at the sight of him, he meets me halfway, and kisses me passionately when he reaches me.

"Happy birthday Josie Rose."

I smile up at him, "Thank you. But you didn't have to get me these."

"I did," He says, licking his lips, "And there's more where that came from."

My smile grows, "How are you here right now? Don't you have work at the garage?"

"My dad let me out early," He admits, "Told him we had a big day planned."

"Oh yeah?" I ask, "What exactly does that entail?"

"Definitely a lot of kissing," Paul says before he presses his lips to mine again. His arms snake around my waist, pressing my body against his as we both leaned against his truck.

"I hope my birthday present isn't similar to that," A familiar voice says, that causes the two of us to break apart. Jacob. "Im trying not to throw up on my special day, alright?"

"It's her special day too you know," Paul says, like I'm sure Jake hasn't forgotten that we were twins.

"Tell me about it."

"Emily told me to tell the two of you to stop by her house," Paul explains before Jake could turn away. "We're all required to be there."

"I'm busy," Jake says plainly before turning away.

"It's an order from Sam," Paul explains, "Quick pack meeting before I get to spend the rest of the day with you, is that okay?"

"It's fine," I reassure him with a smile. "I'll hangout with Jaeda in the mean time."

Paul nods, motioning me to get into the car. I slid over to the other side, allowing him to get in beside me. He took a sip of water out of his water bottle that was sitting in one of the cup holders near the dashboard. Offering me some as he starts driving out of the parking lot.

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