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It's been over a week since Paul and Sam came over.

I haven't heard from him. No texts, no calls, nothing. I wasn't sure when he would make up his mind, but I never asked. I texted him goodnight the night after it all happened, and he never answered. I haven't texted him since.

Jake has completely shut me out too, and hasn't left his room. Only my dad has been in his room to give him food, but that's only when he wants it. Often times my dad comes out the next morning with only several bites taken of the dinner I had made.

It was late into April now, the air was starting to get warm again. I decided on Jake's old long sleeve La Push Football shirt and leggings for the day. It was oversized and felt comfy to sit in, so I decided it was perfect.

"Hey Dad I'm gonna run down to the beach," I shout through the halls.

He comes out seconds later, and nods, "You okay sweetheart? You've been quiet this past week or so."

"Yeah I'm fine," I tell him truthfully. "Just need some air."

He comes even closer to me, motioning for me to bend down when he does. I squat down, resting my hand on the arm rest of his chair.

"Your brother's going to be fine Josephine," He reassures me, "I know you don't like when people get hurt or sick. I completely understand why. But, he's going to be fine."

"Do you have any idea what's going on with him?" I ask, eyes hopeful he'd tell me.

"Bad case of mono," He explains finally. "That's what the doc said."

"When did you find that out?" I ask.

"About two days ago. Sam wasn't sure what it was when they came over last week, so I called the doctor," He explains.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to worry," He says, resting his hand over mine. "I know you two fight a lot, but I know you both are about each other deep down. Jacob is going to be fine."

I nod, "Okay." I stand up again, and start walking down the hall. "I'm going to watch the sunset."

"Be careful okay?" He says, his voice echoing off the halls. "Oh and Josephine?"

"Yeah?" I ask, and stick my head around the corner again to look at him.

"If Bella calls, he has mono, yeah?"

"Yeah," I say, my eyebrows scrunching together. "What else would I tell her?"

"I'm just checking," He says, and wheels back into his room.

That was weird. Why would I tell Bella something that wasn't what Jake had?

Unless that's not what he actually has.

But why would my dad lie? There's no reason too. If something was seriously wrong, my dad would've taken him to the hospital. And he didn't. He's kept him here, locked away in his dark room.

So why would he lie?

I take a set of keys and walk out the front door. I begin my trek toward the beach, taking the sidewalk all the way down the main road, passing Emily's in the process.

Paul's truck was there.

The front door was open, letting in the fresh air like it normally was. It felt weird to look, but I couldn't help it. I'm naturally pretty curious as to what's going on. I have been for quite some time. I could see a bunch of shirtless guys sitting at the table in the kitchen eating. I quickly look away, and continue walking down the sidewalk.

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