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I was back at Emily's again.

Big shocker there.

Seems like this was well past starting to turn into an everyday thing. If Paul was here, so was I. Apart from the occasional movie night invitation from Emily when the boys were on patrol.

Being with these people felt so right, is this what it felt like to be happy? To enjoy life?

It felt so refreshing. To know that good things come to those who wait.

"You see," Embry says, taking a bite of a chicken wing. "My theory is that the red head has this village." The other boys scoff, "She has all these other vampires to go back to. I bet they're all wrapped around her finger."

"Shut up with these conspiracy theories man," Jared rolls his eyes.

"I mean think about it," Embry ignores him, "Where does she live when she comes around here?"

"Probably her lair," Paul jokes, which causes all of us to laugh.

"Actually that might be true," Embry agrees, continuing to chuckle.

Suddenly an engine shots off from outside. The only other person that could have showed up here was my brother.

All of us stand up at the same time, the boys quickly ran outside. I was slower to get out there. I haven't seen Jake all day, he wasn't at school which I was surprised by. He just left our house early this morning and disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Until now.

He hops off the bike, which he just recently redid, and there revealed the source herself.


The only person he'd ever ditch school for. I almost stop in my steps, staring at the two of them trying to put two and two together. Because last time I checked, Jake wasn't talking to her.

"Look who's back!" Embry teases, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What up Bella!" Quil smirks at her.

"Quil you too?" She asks, stuffing her hands into her brown jacket. "Didn't think you were cool enough to join the pack."

I hold in an eye roll, why's she acting so buddy-buddy with everyone? None of us are friends.

"With these losers? Oh I'm cool enough alright," Quil jokes, earning some scoffs. "Joined early in the Summer."

"Took you long enough," I smile at him, to which he sticks his tongue out at me.

"Josephine," Bella greets, "I almost didn't see you back there."

"Who the hell's Josephine?" Jared mumbles, but we all heard it.

Obviously, he knew it was me. But no one besides my dad really calls me that. And apparently Bella, still.

"How are you?" Bella continues the conversation, after I don't respond.

"Good," I shrug, as Paul puts his arm around me. "Heard you took a vacation overseas."

Jake gives me a look as Bella shifts uncomfortably in her spot.

"It wasn't exactly a vacation," She says, "Edward was going to out himself to the vampire government."

"We wouldn't want that, would we?" I couldn't help but let out.

Paul lets out a low chuckle beside me, tightening his grip around my waist. At least he approves of me not exactly being super fond of Bella at the moment.

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