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"We'll take two of these, thank you."

I smile at the older woman. The crinkles around her eyes become more prominent as she smiles. Reaching forward to grab the homemade peanut butter cookies that I adored.

"You're so kind," Paul whispers in my ear. Like he was watching over me as I did so. "And patient. How do you do that?"

"I don't know," I couldn't help the smile that was developing on my face. "I guess I just am."

"I could learn a thing or two from you then."

"It's four twenty," The older woman says, handing me two of my favorite cookies in a bag.

Paul went to dig into his pocket for his wallet, but I beat him to it. I quickly hand her a five dollar bill. Sticking the change in the glass bowl that had other money building up.

"Have a great day."

"You too," I smile at her.

"You don't have to pay for everything you know," Paul says, as I hand him the bag. "You already paid for the coffee."

We start to walk toward the front door one step at a time, it was at a glacial pace for him I'm sure.

"I asked you on this date," I smile, as the bell above the door chimes as we walk out. "It's only fair of me to pay for the things I asked you to do."

He hums, "You shouldn't have to pay on a date. Even if you ask me."

I take his hand in mine, swinging it as we walk through the center of town in Forks. He grins down at me, happy that I did that.

"I want to," I tell him, "Just let me do this okay?"

"Maybe, I'll think about it."

I give him a playful look, "So stubborn." I spot the bookstore up ahead. "Try your cookie."

"Okay, okay." He reaches down into the familiar white paper bag and pulls out the abnormally large cookie. "This thing's huge."

I smile, "That's why I like it."

"...You like big things?" Oh my god. "I got something you might like then."

My jaw drops as I look up at him in complete shock. I didn't even think of it that way when it came out of my mouth. He lets out a monstrous laugh, one that could be heard from the other side of town I'm sure. Normally, I'd laugh too, but we're still getting used to the whole, sexual thing.

"Paul," My cheeks redden out of embarrassment.

"Sorry," He lets out one last chuckle. "I had to. You set me up for that one." He wraps an arm around me.

"Get your head out of the gutter," I tell him.

"It's gone, trust me." He looks down at the dessert. "I usually don't like peanut butter," He admits, changing the subject. And I let out a gasp. He chuckles at my reaction. "Peanut butter is your favorite?"

I nod.

"Anything peanut butter?"

I nod again, and he smiles. I watch eagerly as he takes a bite of the cookie that is the size of his large hands. I hear it crunch as he bites into it, his jaw clenching as he chews and his eyebrows raise slightly. He looks down at the cookie before looking over at me.

"Good right?" I probably had the biggest grin on my face.

"I'll admit, it is good," He says, taking another bite. "I can see why you like these so much."

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