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The last bell of the day goes off and I let out a sigh of relief.

This week was over. I could finally breathe again. I can go home and sit on the couch and rewatch movies I've already seen. I can't wait.

I collect my papers from my desk, shoving them into my pink folder and putting it into my bag. Tucking some of my thick brown hair behind my ear, I walk out of the classroom.

This week was past stressful. But I've finally come to terms with the fact that I believe Paul. From when I explained what a real apology is the first time I saw him on the beach, to now. He genuinely apologized. Something he doesn't do a lot, and he even said that. But he was more than willing to apologize to me. And I know that those two words don't mean much, but something tells me he wouldn't try to hurt me.

I think that shows that he really wants me around. And he's telling the truth.

It took a bit for me to come to terms with that. Like I said I don't trust people easily. And being cautious about who I trust is something that I've battled for almost my entire life. I want to trust people, I want to be able to open up to them, I just can't. That's part of the reason why I stuck with my small group. I've known them forever so I know I can trust them.

I stop at my locker, spinning the dial to stop at the three numbers. I press the small lever and the door swings open. Immediately noticing the reminder I left for myself at the beginning of the day, written in a pink dry erase marker. I tell myself I have to pack my Spanish textbook.

I pile everything into my bag, making it ten times more heavy. I zip it closed and my locker slams shut before I could even get the chance to do it myself. What the hell? I glance up to see Paige, smiling down at me.

What the hell does she want?

"Jordan, right?" She says, her voice having this slight pinch to my ears every time she speaks. I stare at her in disbelief. She really thinks that highly of herself that she has to pretend not to know my name? "You're Jacob Black's sister."

"It's Josephine." But she knew that.

"Right!" She smiles, and I return to my normal height as I drape my backpack over my shoulder. Her snake eyes follow me up. She shifts her weight to one side. "You're a junior."

Why is she doing this?

"Do you need something?"

"Why would I need something?" She asks, her eyes widening to give her an innocent look. I know she isn't trying to get to know me after being in school together for three years already.

"We're not exactly friends, and you've never tried to talk to me before, so if you have something to say, say it." She didn't have to say anything, I already knew what this was about. Or more so, who.

This is exactly what I was trying to avoid.

"That doesn't mean we can't be," She flashes me another smile, but I could read right through her. She was fake and so was her smile. "I feel bad for you honestly."

I actually let out an eye roll.

"I don't need your pity Paige. I need you to leave me alone." I think she expects me to crumble under her words and harsh stare. But I don't. I hold her eye contact.

"I just wanted to pass on a message." There it is. The real reason.


"Paul," Her smile grows. I suddenly feel my stomach sink. I expected her to call me ugly, or fat, or that she was more popular than me. But a message? "He wanted me to pass on the message about that little moment that you guys had at the Halloween party, it was cute and all. But he wants a real girl to spend his time with."

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