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The first day of school was never easy.

Emotions always run through you like a freight train. A mix of nerves, maybe a tad bit of excitement, but also I was feeling impatient already to.

Despite it being the first day, I wanted this year to be over with already. After that, I'd be done with high school. And would finally be able to get closer to something that I'm interested in. Not this calculus and chemistry bullshit I'm required to take to meet the states needs.

When I walked into English my first period of this bright lovely morning I took a seat in the back. There wasn't a single ounce of eagerness to sit in the front this year. The back of the class seemed chill, and maybe more likely to not get called on.

I could feel someone staring as they sat down next to me. From the corner of my eye I could tell it was a girl. She had long blonde hair like Jaeda's, and I could tell immediately she wasn't from the Res. She must've been new.

I meet her eyes, and she sends me a warm closed mouth smile. Her eyes flicker down to the pink spiraled notebook sitting on the desk in front of me. A couple of seconds later, she pulls out the same one.

"You must be new," I spoke first.

"How could you tell?" She smiles, folding her arms over one another as she turns to face me. "I'm Madison, well, Maddie. I transferred from a school in California."

"Nice to meet you," I smile back, "I'm Josie."

"Have you lived here your whole life?" Maddie asks.

I nod, "Right down the road. My whole family went to high school here."

"So you have siblings too then?"

"Two older sisters, and a twin brother," I explain, "He's around here somewhere too. Well, hopefully, he sometimes doesn't show up to school."

"That sounds very familiar," She chuckles, "I have a twin too. His name's Mason."

"We were the only set of twins," I chuckle, "You'll definitely stand out now."

"More than we already do? Great," She huffs, "With the stares that I've gotten today you'd think I was a celebrity or something."

"New students are always the talk of town," I say with a friendly smile. "Not much happens around here."

"I like that though, no one knew each other in my last town. Or at least made an effort to get to know one another," She explains, "This town seems so cute."

"Until everyone knows your business," I chuckle, "Everyone knows my dad around here. Cant get away with anything."

"Do you party at all?" She asks.

"Sometimes, I haven't been to one since Halloween." Ever since I started dating Paul really. "But I haven't been to a ton to begin with."

"Understandable," She says, "My brother and I used to go to a ton back at our old school. But he was the football captain so it made sense for him to and I just tagged along with my friends."

"I'm sure there will be a bunch of parties you can go to," I smile, "But I may not be able to help you find them."

She chuckles, "That's okay."

"Hello class!" A woman's voice calls out as they walk into the classroom. "I'm Miss. Daniel's, and this is English Literature 101."

College level course, of course my guidance counselor put me in this.

It's not going to be an easy year.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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