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I ran over outfit ideas about a hundred times in my head.

But nothing seemed good enough.

This was going to be my first ever date. And it was with Paul, someone who I never would've thought I'd go out with. And now that I finally got the courage to tell him I liked him, it meant a lot more to the both of us now. So it had to be perfect.

I'm so nervous. My hands were already sweating and he wasn't even here yet.

I hear my phone go off, and I dig around through my comforter to try to find it. Growing frustrated, as it kept going off but I couldn't manage to find it.

"Where is it?" I ask myself out loud.

I finally spot it, reading the name on the small screen. It was Jaeda, finally returning my call.


"Hey J, sorry I missed your call I was talking to my mom."

"I'm freaking out Jaeda," I tell her, trying to catch my breath again. "I'm going on a date with Paul to the movies and I have absolutely no idea what to wear."

"Okay let me think," She says, and pauses for second. "What time is he coming?"

"Like ten minutes," I say and glance at the clock on the wall.

"Okay so I don't have time to drop something off... Um, what about the teal flower dress?"

"What teal flower dress?" I repeat her words, and I think for a second to try to picture what she was talking about. But then I remembered what she was talking about. "Oh! The one I got at the mall the one time we went."

"Yes, that one. But it's kind of cold out. What about Rachel's black jean jacket, the one that doesn't leave the front closet?" She explains. "That'll go great together."

"You're so right," I told her.

"Aren't you glad I have your closet memorized?

I honestly was. Jaeda had a gift when it came to clothes. I push all the hangers to the left, and found the dress she was talking about. It was perfect. She was a genius.

"Thank you Jaeda, this is perfect," I say, "Okay I gotta go finish getting ready. Thank you again, love you."

"Love you too! Let me know how it goes."

"Will do, bye."

I set my phone down and quickly change into the simple teal dress. The little white flowers that were all over it was the perfect detail for spring. It was finally starting to get tolerable outside, and this dress pulled everything together.

Once I had the jacket on, I looked at myself in the full length mirror. It was perfect, I haven't worn this in so long it felt practically new.

I grabbed a pair of socks, sprayed some perfume on myself, and grabbed a stick of gum. Seconds later I'm running toward the front door.

Thankfully, no one was home. My dad was over at the Clearwater's house. And Jacob was probably out with Bella somewhere, I'd assume. It was perfect timing, if my Dad was home he'd make Paul come in. And I wasn't in the mood to sit through an interrogation tonight.

There was a quiet knock on the door. I tied my last knot on my shoe, and tucked some loose hair behind my ear before opening the door. I chew on the side of my lip nervously as I see Paul standing behind the screen door.

"Hi," I say as I pull the door closed behind me. I face him, to see his lips were parted a bit. "What?"

His eyes run down my body slowly. They flash back up a couple of seconds later. His lips still slightly ajar.

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