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"See this chocolate?" Jaeda asks, holding up a Hershey's bar. "This is better than any man I've ever met."

Eden and I both let out a chuckle. Jaeda continues to take a bite of her chocolate, rather than ripping off the individual pieces. We've criticized her for it many times now.

We each brought over our fair share of sweets with the hopes that it'll cheer Jaeda up. I'm sure it did that or at least distracted her for the time being.

"Why is losing your virginity such a big deal?" Jaeda rambles. "I wish I didn't care so much about it. Maybe I could not be so butt hurt about it."

"It's okay to be upset," I say.

"I know," She sighs. "I just can't believe Matt slept with me and then just left me high and dry. That's literally going to be my memory for the rest of my life on how I lost my virginity."

She was going back and forth like this all night. She didn't care one minute, then the next her true feelings would come out. I know she was trying to be strong by hiding her emotions, but we're her friends. She can be as open about it as she wants without any judgment.

"I'm sorry," I tell her. "You deserve so much better than Matt fucking Henderson."

"I wish I realized that before," She sighs, "I should've listened to you. I should've taken the ride home with Paul and minded my business."

"You can't dwell on the past," Eden tells her, "You can only move forward babe. And I know it's painful and it's a lot harder to do than said but you just have to act like you don't care."

"Right, heal in peace," Jaeda says, leaning her head back. She tosses the chocolate wrapper on the coffee table. "I'm never talking to a boy again."

"Me neither," Eden says, a sigh leaving her lips. "Well, I haven't really at all but I have no interest. At least not until I know someone will treat me right."

I feel my phone buzz. I look down at it to see a simple text that sent my heart racing.

Paul: hi

I try not to let out a smile. I decide to wait a couple of minutes before answering him.

Not that I'm not happy to hear from him, but I wonder what he wanted.

"At least we only have tomorrow," Jaeda sighs out. "And then our week is over."

"True," Eden adds. "I can practically taste all the food just sitting here."

I usually never get too excited for Thanksgiving. It was just like a normal night, only my brother and dad were home now. It was nothing special, at least anymore.

"Are you guys still coming over after?" I ask. "Maybe we can drink this year."

"That would be fun," Jaeda says, "I'm down."

"Me too."

All of our eyes return to Jaeda's big television that rested on the wooden stand in her living room. Her mom was working tonight, which is why we decided to come here. She had the overnight shift at the hospital, which she absolutely hated, according to Jaeda.

I decide to respond to Paul. I look back down at my phone and open up his message. I decide to respond back the same as he did.

Me: hi

"How was hanging out with Paul?" Jaeda asks, which causes me to look up. Almost like she knew I was talking to him.

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