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Third Person

Paul watches his imprint walk away, pain radiating through his entire body. His shoulders sink, his bottom lip ever so slightly pops out, his metaphorical tail hangs low between his legs. He had let her down again.

All because of his ex girlfriend.

He could tell exactly how Josie was feeling. Because he could feel it radiate through his own body, like those were his emotions. He had felt everything Josie was feeling at the moment. And Paige had once again ruined something that she didn't want Paul to be in. She could've ruined this for him for good.

Who knew if Josie would ever forgive me, he thought.

He slowly turns back around, facing his best friend. He takes slow deep breaths as Jared Cameron stares him in the eyes. He could easily recognize when his new friend was getting angry. But only because Paul was not shy about expressing his anger, especially about Josie. He felt protective of her even though he didn't know her well. She was his everything, whether she was going to accept that or not.

"Calm down," Jared mumbles, glancing over to his own imprint, Kim. She nods, as if she understood that the boys needed their private time, and walked away. "You can't lose control here."

"Paige did that to drive a wedge between us," Paul seethes. "And that's two instances in a week." Paul runs a hand through his dark hair. "She's never going to forgive me. I fucked up."

"It's not your fault Paige is crazy," Jared says, eyes staring into his friends cautiously. "Who would've known she'd try something like that?"

"Me. She's tried to do something like this before."

Paul's mind starts to spiral. And he can't help but think this is all his fault. If he never got involved with Paige he would have a clear shot of winning Josie over. The old part of him was head over heels in love with Paige. She taught him everything he needed to know when it came to dating, or more so, hooking up. But then again, as soon as he met Josie and imprinted on her. Paige was out the door and never thought about again. Not in a romantic way at least.

"Don't think like that man," Jared says and puts his hands on his shoulders. "You need to calm down. And you can't leave, you already missed all of last week for wolf shit."

Paul, Jared, and Sam had chased an unknown red headed vampire well into Canada this past week. But he couldn't tell Josie that yet, obviously, so he had to result to the mom card. Which he frequently used, it was the best option. But now that Paige knows what kind of excuses he'd use, he thought he should probably start thinking of a new one.

The warning bell rings, causing both of them to blink at the loudness of it. Even though it had been a couple of months it still was taking them a bit of time to get used to their new wolf senses.

"I need to find Paige," Paul speaks out, eyes scanning the crowds of students rushing to class. "I need to confront her."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Jared says, but Paul doesn't listen. He couldn't listen to anyone when his mind is filled with anger like this. He rips around, anger pulsating through his body more than it ever has. All of his emotions had been heightened since becoming a werewolf. He hasn't figured out how to control them yet. His legs start to work before his mind catches up with them.

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