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Paul Lahote

When we were done with patrol that same night I couldn't wait to get back home.

I was practically chomping at the bit. I knew what, or rather who, was waiting up for me at home — most likely in my bed. Cuddled up underneath my sheets. I was getting antsy at this point, I needed to see her again.

God I'm so crazy about her.

It's getting to the point where I think about Josie the majority of my day. What she was doing, how she slept that night, what color shirt she was wearing that day — anything. Honestly if someone else was in my brain hearing the shit I think about, they'd probably think I'm fucking crazy.

But in fairness I know for a fact that Jared thinks about Kim the same way I think about Josie. She's my imprint, there's a difference between what we have and some silly crush. Josie is and will forever be my person.

Everything about her is just, perfect in my eyes. Her smile, her hazel eyes, the way she lets out a giggle at any bad joke I make, the way she looks up at me. She's one of a fucking kind, there's no one else like her in this world. I swear if—

"Dude," Embry's voice appears in my head. "Shut the fuck up."

Honestly, I forgot that he could hear my thoughts right now. I have to be more careful when it comes to being in my wolf form and thinking about her.

We were so close to being done with this patrol bullshit. But we stayed in our wolf forms to ensure our safety considering we were still out deep in the woods.

"Why don't you mind your fucking business?" I snap back at him.

"It's kind of hard to when I hear everything that is going on inside your brain," He tells me, "Control yourself from thinking so loud about her."

I don't respond, mentally rolling my eyes as Sam came running back from his area he was watching over. Standing tall, he towers over the pair of us.

"Did either of you see anything tonight?" He asks.



"Alright, then head home. And get to school in the morning please. And while you're at it behave yourselves. Paul you're so close to graduating without getting expelled."

"Yeah, yeah," I tell him, not concerned one bit. "See you guys later."

I recognized where we were. We've been here before, it was closer to Port Angeles than it was to Forks. To drive here, it could've been easily thirty minutes. Running normally, I could probably cut the time in half. But knowing Josie was waiting up for me, I'd get home in a little over ten if I really ran.

So I take off. Thinking about holding her in my arms or finally being able to kiss her lips again. It amped me up, got me even more excited that I was going to see her. Even though I had just hung out with her earlier in the day. I found myself really excited to see her again.

It sounds so pathetic if I think about it for too long. I've never liked a girl as much as I like Josie. I'd do anything for that girl.

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