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I watch the two of them carefully. But not in a way where I felt as though I needed to go over there. I trusted Paul, and I know he'd never do anything to hurt me like that.

But watching him talk to Paige really bugged me. It was like a burning feeling in my skin that I couldn't get rid of.

I start to wonder how long this was going on for. I hadn't even noticed it while I was over here talking to his mom.

I try to calm myself down a bit. Trying really hard not to read into the situation too much.

"Is that Paige?" His mom asks from next to me, she must've saw me staring, how embarrassing, "I can't tell. I don't have my glasses on."

"It is," I say shortly.

"I never liked her," She says, "I think I met her once, briefly. And she was rude, and always wanted the attention on her, and I remember how Paul would tell me they fought all the time. Awful girl, honestly. I don't know what he saw in her."

I chuckle, not knowing what else to say. My eyes snapping back to Paul and Paige, who were still talking.

Was this jealousy I was feeling?

It definitely was.

It certainly didn't feel good. It was almost like, anger mixed with worry. But at the same time I trust Paul with my entire life. It's her that rubs me the wrong way.

I never used to get jealous, but I think it comes from a point where I care about Paul a lot. And, I'm a bit insecure of how experienced he got from Paige.

He was her first, and it's very hard to forget your first.

I try to submerge these feelings of jealousy. Mostly because it never looks good to be jealous. But it started to become really fucking hard. Especially because she kept touching his wrist when he said something. She'd throw her head back and laugh, leaning in to touch him. Like it was something she had to do.

Meanwhile I'm sitting here staring at the two of them like a fucking idiot.

"My anger issues couldn't handle that," Paul's mom says with a small laugh, "You're very patient."

"I trust Paul," I tell her, "But I might be silently freaking out on the inside."

She chuckles, "I get that. But you're very beautiful Josie. Paul's lucky to have you."

"Thank you," I say, glancing over at her and smiling.

"I would've gone over there a long time ago, if I were you," She says, "I'm not exactly patient."

"I don't have any reason not to trust him," I say, "Although I don't trust her. She's already tried to take him back a couple of times."

"Really?" Paul's mom asks, to which I nod. She lets out a scoff, "The fucking guts that girl has. Excuse my language."

I chuckle, "Right?"

I look back at them, watching Paul nod down at her, listening to whatever garbage Paige was spewing out at him.

I don't know why he's even giving her the time of day, to be honest.

It's been fifteen minutes at this point. What does he possibly have to say to her for that long?

"Go over there," Paul's mom tells me, "She's doing this on purpose."

I look at her nervously, "You think so?"

"I've been dealing with catty girls like that for a very long time," She says, "Don't let her walk all over you too."

She was right. I was worried I would look crazy if I went over there. But there's a difference between showing up as a jealous girlfriend and standing your ground.

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