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It was Monday.

If I thought last Monday was hard, I think past me would've had a meltdown.

I take a shaky breath as I walk out of my seventh period class. I only had one more and I would get through the day. That's it.

By now Paige must've told him that she delivered the news. I've been waiting all day for the humiliation to come. The looks, the stares, the laughter — I was waiting for all of it. But it never came.

I will admit though that I skipped first period, like a coward. I didn't want to face him, I didn't want to watch him avoid my eyes or smirk at me like he was some monster. I couldn't find it in me to face him. And I hope it stays that way.

I tuck my lip in between my teeth as I get to my locker. If I get through this day without having an anxiety attack, I think that's a win. I keep my head on a swivel, making sure that Paige doesn't come up to me again.

This past weekend was hell. And I'm not trying to be dramatic what so ever, but it was. My mind was constantly racing about what I should do and it was only until last night that I came to the conclusion to say fuck both of them. I was sick of the drama, and sick of Paige. I don't need them in my life stirring up drama. I was fine on my own before Paul, I'll be fine on my own without him too.

This was honestly right on par for me, I always run away from things whenever they start to get hard.

I open my locker, the old metal hinges squeaking as I open it fully. I start to feel frazzled as I know I have my Spanish test coming up next period. I really hope that my ancestors are watching over me, I barely studied for this damn test. I couldn't focus. Not for more than fifteen minutes at a time.

Please let me get through this test successfully.

I open my textbook, letting my eyes run over the chapter that the test was on. Estar conjugation, I can do that right? My eyes run over the examples that were on each page. I can do this. I'll do great on this test.

"Josie." No. Fuck, fuck, fuck. "Hey you weren't in class earlier today."

Oh God. I can't do this right now.

"Yeah I didn't feel too good this morning," I keep my eyes on my locker. I didn't have the balls to look at him anyway.

"Are you okay?" He must be one hell of a good actor. I don't understand why he's asking like he cares about me if he sent that letter to Paige.

Does he really think I wouldn't find out?

"Yeah," I say anyway, swallowing the lump in my throat forming, "I'm fine now."

"Okay, well that's good. I've been dying to tell you something all weekend," He says. He was burning a hole in the side of my face. "Sorry I had to go so suddenly. My mom needed me in Port Angeles."

That's exactly what Paige wrote in the note. I guess that means it's true. Here it comes. He needed to tell me that he was going to choose her.

Fuck this I want to leave.

"What?" I ask quietly, the door hiding my face.

He pushes the door away so I couldn't hide anymore. I blink a couple of times, my eyes meeting his hesitantly.

"If it's not obvious, I really like you."


Is he being serious right now?

This can't be true. Unless Jaeda was right, and Paul didn't actually write that note.

Or, he's still trying to two time me.

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