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I was standing in my place frozen.

My brother, was a shapeshifter.

Paul, was a shapeshifter.

How many more people have this secret? This gene inside of them that turns them into the supernatural?

What is my life.

I wince as I take another glance at the two fighting wolves. I had never seen Paul in wolf form, but the silvery grey fur that he had was something that seemed super unique. In complete contrast, my brother's fur was a sandy brown color. Both so scary looking, but so captivating to look at, at the same time.

Another dark black wolf appears suddenly. He never actually got involved with the fight, but the way he was standing over the two boys told me he was in charge. I knew instantly that was Sam. He had the Alpha look written all over him.

Paul listens almost immediately, but Jake, he didn't. He continued to try to go after Paul. And then Sam had no choice but to step in.

I wasn't surprised that Jake didn't listen to Sam. He doesn't listen to me, or even our dad. He doesn't listen authority well at all actually.

"Did you know?" My dad asks from behind me. He must've been watching the entire time too.

"About Paul?" I ask quietly. "...Yeah. He just told me the other day."

"It didn't scare you?" He asks.

"At first, I was freaked out yeah," I say. "But, I like him too much to stay away. That's why tonight was so important."

But Jake ruined it. Like he always does when he wants to get his way.

If anything that Jake said tonight got through to my dad, Paul and I would both be fucked. We would never be able to see each other. It wouldn't work out, at least in the long run.

"You don't need to worry, Josephine," My father says, and I look down at him. "I like Paul. I can see how he much he cares about you."

"Really?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I approve of you seeing him," He tells me. "He'll protect you if you need it."

I stare at him, completely shocked by what he was telling me. I had thought that my dad wasn't going to ever approve of Paul and I after this night. But, he did.

I bend down to hug him, and I hear him let out a low chuckle.

"Thank you," I whisper against his chest. "Thank you, Dad. Really."

"You're welcome. And I'll be speaking to Paul too. After, this gets settled. I want to tell him personally that he's welcome over here at any time," He says, and I let go of him. I send him a small closed mouth smile. "I can see how happy he makes you. I haven't seen you this happy in a long time."

I nod, knowing he was right. I haven't been this happy in a long time.

The door opens slowly, and I notice it was Paul walking in. I step away, motioning for him to come in.

"Hi," He says, looking between my dad and I. He was shirtless now, only wearing loose brown shorts. "I just wanted to apologize for what just happened. I know how special this night was to you Josie."

"It wasn't your fault," I tell him, shaking my head.

"She's right. You don't need to apologize," My dad says, "This is Jacob's fault. I think he owes you an apology after what he said tonight."

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