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"Black residence," Jake says as he answers the phone during dinner.

That's something we never do, but of course, Jake bends the rules.

"He does this to spite you I think," My dad says with a smile. "You made a good meal and he needs some attention now."

"I'm not surprised by that at all," I tell him with a smile. "That's why I'm your favorite, right?" He gives me a look, but I knew it was fake by the smile on his lips.

"I don't have favorites Josephine. I love all my children the same."

"Yeah, yeah."

It shocked me that I didn't manage to burn dinner. The excitement around here usually causes me to become very distracted therefore I don't pay attention and it gets ruined. But for once, the food was actually good, and it appeared to make everyone happy. But the happiness within Jake seems to dissipate quickly. When he hears what the person he was speaking to has to say, his smile disappears off his face.

"We'll be right there." Jake hangs up the phone. He stares at the ground for a couple of seconds, the blank look on his face told me that something was wrong.

"Jake?" My dad asks, "Who was that?"

"Charlie Swan," He says after a couple of seconds. His eyes snap back in our direction. "Bella's missing."

"Missing?" My dad repeats, "Bella doesn't seem like the type to wander on her own."

"Is she at the Cullen's?" I ask.

Jake rolls his eyes, "She better not be if they think she's missing." He squeezes his eyes shut, "I swear to God, if Edward did something to her—"

"The Cullen's left town," My father says, his tone completely monotone.

"Thank God," Jake chuckles. He looked like he was thinking again. "I wonder where she is then."

"I hope she's okay," I add. "It's cold out there." I push my lips out as I gather our plates from the wooden circle table. I decide to rinse the plates off before setting them in the sink.

The Cullens were an odd family. They were far from the majority of neighborhoods, yet relatively near to Forks. But despite the remoteness, everyone appeared to be aware of who they were. Dr. Cullen worked at the hospital and could afford the huge house where they all lived. I didn't know anything about the rest of them, just Edward and the relationship he has with Bella. Or, had, if he truly left town.

"Leave the dishes Josephine," My dad says from behind me. "We have to go help, Charlie."

I nod, wiping my hands as I turn around. I follow him towards the front door and put on my jacket. It was dark now, and definitely way colder than earlier. I also brought a white winter hat that had a puff on top.

"Maybe gloves too?" He suggests. "I don't know how long we'll be out there for." I listen and grab gloves from the wooden bin that was resting on top of the coat rack.

"Keys?" I remind Jake as we get out the door. The wind picks up as I help my dad down the ramp. The wetness of the wood makes it hard to control his wheelchair as I do.

"Got 'em."

Headlights appear from the main road, then I see them turn down our road. Our house was kind of secluded from the other neighborhoods, but there was one other down the way. So the people that turn down our road are either for us, or our neighbors next door.

They get closer and I recognize the truck almost immediately. Jake helps my dad into the car behind me as I go to greet Embry and Eden.

Eden and Embry hop out, and both of their eyebrows furrow in confusion as they notice we were leaving. I get closer to them and shove my hands in the pockets of my winter jacket.

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